Pussy Riot Update

Because liberal media is controlled by dudes, and because most of the Googleable primary source material is in Russian, it’s difficult for the non-Russian speaker to tease out what is actually going on, feministically speaking, with Nadezha Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina.

I’m a Russian-speaker, so let me help: feministically speaking, absolutely nothing whatsoever. When members of Pussy Riot (a name that means nothing to a Russian speaker and that not a single journalist writing in Russia that I have read has been able to transcribe properly) were released from prison, they announced they would dedicate themselves to fighting against the truly horrifying conditions in female prisons.

This is work that desperately needs to be done because what happens to women in those prisons is absolutely horrible. So I was very happy to hear this announcement. Since then, however, Pussy Riot seem to have realized that this kind of work wasn’t about to bring them the fame they are so desperately seeking, so they decided to get back into headlines by heading over to Sochi.

And here is the only intelligent description of Pussy Riot I found in English:

Pussy Riot is something akin to a women’s auxiliary of a Russian gang of pervy dude anarchists.** Known collectively as Voina, the group exploit the women in public stunts involving torture porn and humiliation. Read the post for the lurid details; they disgust me too much to summarize here. Suffice it to say that, although the Pussy Riot women are branded by Western media as militant feminists and masked avengers championing the cause of freedom, the freedom in question is only sexual, and is sought so assiduously merely to preserve male sexual access to degraded, roach-covered meat toilets.

Now, this is absolutely spot-on.

P.S. And this is a very detailed post that describes exactly what this “Russian feminism” is about. I warn you, though, that what the post describes as to the “feminists’ subversive activities” is absolutely nauseating. And sadly, absolutely true.

8 thoughts on “Pussy Riot Update

  1. I heard an interview on NPR with one of the Pussy Riot members. She said that the women who were released from prison were no longer with the band, since their personal priorities had shifted to the prison related work from Pussy Riot’s original and continuing purpose which was and is to protest and oppose the Putin Regime.


  2. You’ll be pleased to know that, in radical circles here, the cheering of Pussy Riot has dried up considerably, and most people who were throwing “Free Pussy Riot” parties months ago are now reacting with shame and embarrassment to how gung-ho they were about supporting what they now know to be a group of opportunistic fauxminist clowns.


    1. There was a hilarious moment during these Olympics when Putin was so desperate to show that gays were thriving in the country that he dragged the poor Tatu, who have been out of show business and forgotten by everybody, on stage for the opening. All of the celebrities who are gay in Russia are too deep in the closet.


  3. Do you seriously believe this? Do you not understand that most men love women and always did? We all had mothers. I cuddled my late wife for more than 45 years. At her request, we spooned on the last night of her life. I would never have harmed her, feminism is self absorbed insanity.


      1. maybe it’s some kind of weird spam router thing?

        (if this is unlikely forgive my technical ignorance I tend to think that computers are either living beings that we don’t understand very well and/or work by magic).

        My other guess might be that it’s an unhappy (former) student getting all passive aggressive.


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