There Is Such a Shortage of Single Women in Montreal. . .

. . . that even the serial killer and rapist Karla Homolka found a guy willing to marry her fifteen seconds after being released from jail.

Why she was released from jail after serving only 12 years in extremely comfortable conditions when any male serial killer who committed the same crimes would rot in prison forever is a different question.

8 thoughts on “There Is Such a Shortage of Single Women in Montreal. . .

  1. I don’t think this has to be with sex ratio. Serial killers, both men and women, are apparently very sexy. They get laid like Hugh fucking Hefner!


  2. Karla Homolka made a plea-bargain for information on her husband (also a serial sex murderer and rapist), hence her reduced sentence. Of course, the information was next-to-useless and she somehow “forgot” to mention a victim in whose murder she had participated, but plea-bargains are plea-bargains.


    1. I’m guessing the fact that she’s white didn’t hurt either. Not to mention that she’s conventionally beautiful.


      1. Her serial killer husband is also white an attractive, though.

        I don’t understand why creatures like her should ever be let out. Now she went and had a kid without any concern about how s /he will bear the burden of such a mother.


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