Putin on Gay Rights

Here is today’s speech of Russia’s President Putin on the subject of gay marriage (translation is mine):

There is no discrimination against homosexuals in Russia. These. . . khm, khm. . . people [with a facial expression showing deep disgust] have jobs, they get raises at work, and even statewide prizes, if they deserve them. However, there will be no gay marriage in our country because such marriages do not produce children*. Here in Russia and in Europe, we are suffering from a demographic crisis. We want people to reproduce. And the people we want to reproduce are not immigrants. We want the “title nation” to reproduce**. . . The only countries that allow propaganda of homosexuality*** are the same countries that allow propaganda of pedophilia. We cannot allow this in Russia because if we legalize propaganda of pedophilia, there are regions that will organize an armed uprising.

This speech on Russian TV is followed by a long investigative report on Holland’s pedophiles.

* Putin’s marriage hasn’t produced any children in over 30 years and is not likely to do so in the future.

** The “title nation” means ethnic Russians. The ones who are blond and blue-eyed.

*** The expression “propaganda of homosexuality” in Russian means allowing gay teachers to work and gay people to appear on TV in any capacity. It also refers to the Gay Pride parade.

That Evil Hatting

The blogroll has its uses, however. I have been laughing for 7 minutes straight when I discovered that pro-nature midwives are waging a brave and fierce war against. . . putting hats on newborns:

There is really no limit to the deadly defiance of these midwives. Evidently there’s no limit to the ridiculousness, either. The latest “obstetric practice” deemed unnecessary: hatting!

Yes, you read that right. Homebirth midwives have come out against the practice of putting hats on newborns to protect them from loss of body heat. Do animals put hats on their babies? No, they do not; ’nuff said. Of course, animals don’t wear clothes, don’t sleep in beds and don’t live tweet their births, but that is totally different. If you couldn’t live tweet your homebirth, how could you possibly fulfilled your narcisstic need for praise?

Yes, sure, we should treat our infants exactly like animals treat their newborn. My aunt’s cat ate her babies. Maybe one of these midwives is planning to repeat the cat’s feat of nature triumphing over the horrors of civilization.

JC Penney Will Continue to Stink

And this is the sad story of why JC Penney did not manage to become a more respectable, classier place and will remain a poor-quality joint for the dowdy crowd:

Johnson tried nixing sale events in favor of everyday low prices, and almost immediately found resistance from shoppers accustomed to Penney’s couponing and discounting culture. He boldly revised the company’s advertising, eschewing value propositions in favor of sparsely elegant and stylish displays that confused customers because they didn’t show prices.

Investors watched in horror as Penney’s stock price plummeted more than 50%.

What’s with the coupon-obsessed weirdos, seriously? Do they have no understanding of simple arithmetic?

Sad Developments in My Blogroll

I haven’t accessed my blogroll for a while (feedly is impossibly and aggravatingly slow) but maybe that was a good thing. After I saw an unsurprising woman-hating screed from Shakesville, I encountered a more surprising transformation of blogger Ozy Frantz. Frantz used to be a champion of gender equality who has now become a sad, boring and pathetic worshiper of pill-pushers and a cheer-leader for anti-choicers.

Ozy Frantz seems to be one of those people who write extremely well as part of a collective project but become dull and stupid as authors of personal blogs. It’s a weak individual identity, indeed, if it needs to be propped by group members on all sides to remain of any interest.


Thatcher and Woman-Haters

On the day Margaret Thatcher died, the Conservative woman-hater Ann Coulter blasted her for not being a fan of Sarah Palin and the Liberal woman-hater Melissa McEwan blasted her for being an unwomanly wife and mother.

Thatcher must have done something really significant for women’s rights for these two champions of female subjection to get so rabid.

Read McEwan’s article for the perfect example of one of the most insidious forms of sexism. What McEwan does is a strategy Peruvian a friend of mine used to term “How to slaughter a person’s reputation without seeming to do so.”

“You approach a group of people,” my friend would tell us, “and say, with a tragic look on your face, “Poor Clarissa! Oh, poor, poor Clarissa!””

“What happened?” the people will ask.

“Oh, so you haven’t heard? Some nasty people are saying horrible things about her. They say that she is sleeping with the Dean to get a better scholarship and ghost-writes articles for the Chair to get good recommendation letters. They also say that she is an alcoholic and had two arrests for prostitution. And do you know what they say about why she was accepted to grad school? She is a long-time mistress of the head of the admissions committee! But, of course, I don’t believe any of this and would never participate in spreading such horrible rumors!”

“And that’s it!” my friend would say. “I just slaughtered a person’s reputation while making myself look like a decent person who would never do something so mean.”

This is the same position as the one taken by Melissa “All women have to be victims all of the time and if they are not, I will make sure they are” McEwan.

How to Improve the Experience of Eating Out

A discussion has begun in Montreal newspapers as to how the fine dining scene can be prevented from sliding into the horrible state so many North American restaurants of all price ranges are experiencing. Here are the questions that are being asked:

In an effort to be cutting back on waste, should customers be charged for bread?

What we should be asking instead of this meaningless question is why bread and butter even in good restaurants are always so horrible. I mean, salted butter! Bleh, brr, eww, barf, vomit. And then people wonder why they grow obese and sick. What do they expect if even butter is salted! What next? Salted apples? I would definitely pay extra just to see a non-disgusting piece of bread in an American restaurant, In Montreal, you can sometimes get good butter in restaurants but good bread of the kind you get anywhere in Western Europe, never. I will never forget this ultra-fancy restaurant visited by former Prime Ministers and such that served us these disgusting little bread rolls that never go stale or spoil. The ones that have a longer lifespan than I do because of how artificial they are.

Is the number of people taking pictures of their food in restaurants these days turning into a problem?

Only for bad restaurateurs who are afraid customers will inform the world of their sucky food.

Is it bad manners to request a doggy bag?

Again, the problem is badly stated. The real issue here is that portions you get served in the US are ridiculously huge. The size always comes at the expense of quality. As my sister told me after her recent trip to Vermont, “You know that I love to eat. But when I order a steak, I’m not prepared for the waiter to place an entire cow in front of me.” Remember, we don’t go to fast-food joints. We are talking about fairly expensive places here. Also, I hate the expression “doggy bag.” How disgusting is it? Why not just ask for a box?

Is there a dress code in upscale restaurants these days?

Sadly, almost never. People in North America are mostly unaware of the art of living and hate their bodies. This is why the food is unhealthy and the way most people dress is an exercise in self-hatred.

Should the tip be included in the bill?

I couldn’t care less because I’m not cheap and always leave very good tips. The whole idea of punishing waiters for not being perfect is so miserly as to be embarrassing.

Can customers ask that the music be turned down?

I hate restaurants that turn up the volume of the music to the point where patrons have to raise their voices to speak. Restaurants only do that when they are floundering, so this is a mark of a place on the verge of going broke. They turn up the music in hopes that customers will eat faster and leave, and then more people can be seated. If a restaurant does this, it means there is a lot of corner-cutting going on. Beware of loud-music places! They probably serve stuff that has been reheated in a microwave.

Should there be calorie counts on menus?

No, because that immediately marks a restaurant as a place for very weird people.

Do kids belong in high-end restaurants?

Kids and adults who can behave quietly and politely belong anywhere they want to be present. It is very annoying that this question is asked about kids but not about adults who get stupidly drunk and act in disorderly and threatening way or about adults who bray like horses with no regard for the auditory experiences of others.

Does a good restaurant always have a sommelier in the house?

I don’t care because I don’t understand wines but N. does and he would definitely appreciate seeing more people in restaurants than understand what he is trying to tell them.

This wasn’t asked so I will ask the question myself: What is your greatest restaurant-related dream?

Less salt in everything! American food is drowning in salt, even in very expensive restaurants! This is nothing but a trick to make people pay for more drinks but it kills the taste of everything. I still can’t get over this amazing risotto I ate in Madrid last month that contained absolutely no salt. The cheese gave it all the saltiness it needed, so why would anybody add any more salt? As a result, this mushroom risotto was practically breathing. Compare it to any North American risotto that arrives at the table slaughtered because of how much salt it has.