
The analyst says that for the kind of person that I am it will be very helpful to write as much as I can, preferably by hand. So I started a diary where I write down everything that happens. This isn’t beautiful writing because I find the idea of producing beautiful, touching writing about what happened to be repugnant. This is strange because I really enjoy reading heart-wrenching, well-written stories people send me.

The way I write in the diary is very pedestrian. It goes something like, “And then I had breakfast and made a huge mug of the stinky dandelion root tea. And then I drank the stinky tea.” The weirdest thing is that this actually helps, and I look forward to writing in my diary every day.

For Eric

Readers have been suggesting making a donation in Eric’s name to our university library. Thank you, readers, this is a very kind thought.

I would really like for something like that to happen because it makes me feel better to hear his name mentioned and his existence recognized. He wasn’t a mistake. He died in utero but he still brought a lot of love. I wouldn’t want him never to have existed.