Translation Riddle

OK, time for another riddle, people.

Everybody knows that machine translation systems are useless when translating fiction. However, there was one scene in the novel I’m translating that I knew would be translated perfectly by Google Reader. I tried it and it turned out I was absolutely right. The translation of the scene required almost no retouching after it came out of Google Translator.

Question: what kind of a scene was it and why did Google Translator translate it so perfectly?

15 thoughts on “Translation Riddle

  1. I am thinking about a scene, which is almost word to word identical to numerous scenes in many other novels. You said women offer food and sex, and I would guess it has something to do with the latter. 🙂

    Once I had nothing to read, so was forced to loan from another girl a yellow romance novel. Not only descriptions of sex scenes were each 1.5 pages (without exaggeration!), but they were all alike and super boring. Not sexy at all too.


    1. Or, may be, it was a quote from one of Russian classics? Though in a novel of this sort it seems unlikely.


  2. Any scene with little use of metaphores or other figures… Detective novel/ kill scene? I guess anything on a cheap novel….


  3. I’d expect something that’s available in multiple languages on the Web: owner’s manual or instructions, news story, or government report. None of those things sounds like a “scene,” so that leaves explicit sex. 😉


  4. Or something that involves driving/walking directions (i.e. how to get from Point A to Point B.) Google is somehat of a “directions” master. 😉


  5. OK, everybody who said a sex scene, wins!!!

    Erotic scenes are extremely repetitive, especially the kind that appears in mainstream fiction. When I saw this scene, I immediately knew that I’d seen it hundreds of times before. So I entered it into Google Translator to see if it had seen it as well and it turned out that it had. 🙂

    So if you need to translate some soft vanilla porn, Google Translator is your friend!


    1. Imagine the piece of cake in translating “50 Shades of Grey”.

      Now you know that a yellow novel is your best friend, with Google doing a lot instead of you. 🙂


  6. I thought sex was too obvious to be true! Ha ha. I kept thinking of things that were too complicated! 😉 (Although I personally use Google Translate for recipes and love it!) 🙂


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