Autism Blurts Out

I have to get my teaching evaluated every semester, so today I had somebody observe my class. Of course, I wanted to make a good impression and spent the entire morning concentrating deeply on my upcoming class.

When I reached my office and began the daily struggle with the lock, I saw a colleague emerge out of her office. Seeing her reminded me of something important I had forgotten to do.

Staring at the colleague with an intense gaze of an autistic deep in thought, I exclaimed, “Idiot!!” in a loud and aggressive voice.

Of course, the insult was meant for myself but I was staring into the colleague’s eyes when I uttered it. When I realized it, I began to laugh hysterically. Now this nice, peaceful colleague will think that I’m disturbed.

At the end of my class, the person who observed it congratulated me. I’m guessing this means I did well. Now I just have to find the colleague I scared in the morning and explain what happened.

6 thoughts on “Autism Blurts Out

  1. Oh my: this made me laugh. I really appreciate that you are willing to share your little embarassing moments. šŸ˜‰ We all have them. One time I was in my chair’s office and I was wearing a drawstring skirt; somehow the drawstring got loosened and when I stood up, I was no longer wearing a skir! I was just standing there in my underwear and my high heels!!!! Thankfully my chair is a wonderful woman. She laughed so hard that she cried. I just smiled big, said that I was clumsy at tying (which is true), pulled up my skirt, and left her office with as much dignity I could muster; when I got home, I poured myself a nice cocktail and tried to forget it ever happened. I am lucky that I have a wonderful chair that I trust very much. I still shudder to think how I would feel if that had happened in front of the university president!


  2. I don’t have the autism thing, but sometimes I have a tendency to just conclude that everything is crazy, and then I blurt something out that indicates my evaluation of everything. This works well in some contexts but not so well in others. Where people enjoy a philosophy of limit experiences that works well, but not where people are trying to employ rationality to hold onto a semblance of their reason for dear life. The world is divided basically into these two types of people: those who want to go mad and those who are desperate to stay sane. I’m in the first group of people, so very little bothers me, but the second group have never understood me.

    Anyway, I’m working with it, and have decided I will write a new book. It will be in three parts. Someone online inadvertently gave me the title. It will be called Sugar Rush in the Infantry Stage. It will feature three separate skirmishes, but the underlying plot concerns an ape who doesn’t realize he is an ape. He keeps trying to pass himself off as human, but people keep rejecting him as an ape.


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