What Is Your Favorite Post?

I saw the idea for this post at Feministe and I really like it.

Which is your all-time favorite post on Clarissa’s Blog? Or several all-time favorite posts?

You can mention the least favorite posts, too.

It’s OK if you don’t have time to search for a link. Just tell me what the post was about and I can find it myself.

19 thoughts on “What Is Your Favorite Post?

  1. Same as zinemin! I also like your short post about the weird fruit you dare (not) to taste, and your rant against Douthat.


  2. I’m going to make a habit of bookmarking my favourite posts. I’ve missed so many good ones because of my laziness. And now I can’t search for those because entering in ‘feminism’ or some other general term returns too many results. Oh well.

    Your posts on housewives, relationships, and raising kids have always been very educational. I really look forward to those.


  3. My favorite post remains the one that brought me to this blog: “Homeschooling as a form of child abuse.” I was so angry about homeschooling one day and was looking to read a post or an article that strongly critiqued it. And most people are so afraid of upsetting the delicate homeschooler sensibilities that people tiptoe around the issue. When I read your post (and the comments following it), I was sold on your blog forever. You expressed EXACTLY how I feel about the horrible practice of homeschooling (which I think should be illegal.) So thank you for writing it! 🙂



    1. Gosh, I’m glad this post brought you over here because it caused so much aggravation and trouble that I needed something good to come out of it. Gaining a reader like you through it redeemed all the trouble it caused me.


      1. It’s really frightening to me how unhinged homeschoolers become when anybody critiques their abousive practises.


  4. I never read your Douthat posts before but OI’s post inspired me to read them. They are great! I also love your posts on stay at home mothers and feminism. They don’t bore me at all! And I like any post that has to do with teaching. Oh and your recipes are great too! 🙂


  5. My favorite posts are all of your posts on life in the FSU. I have never been to any country in Eastern Europe, but I love reading them!


  6. OK, I am going to list the homeschooling as one of my least favorite posts. Although I agree that homeschooling is generally problematic, I have known cases where it was the only safe option for the children involved. In the most extreme case, the child in question was repeatedly assaulted on a school bus and sometimes in school because of his race. Both the bus driver and the school principal told the mother that she needed to remove the child from the school for his safety. She was a single mother who somehow found time to homeschool her son for over a year and a half, until she could afford to move to a district where her son was not attacked. He graduated and has done well as an adult.



    1. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. You are talking about a very tragic situation where the woman could only choose between two evils, trying to pick the lesser one. However, as evidenced by the post’s many commenters, in the absolutely majority of cases, we are talking either about religious fanatics or bored, aggressive, hysterical housewives who need to cannibalize their children all day long.


  7. I adore your posts on literature, book reviews, language, Spanish, teaching, grad school, relationships, sex, life in the USSR, funny search terms, and reflections on your experiences, mistakes and growth. Each one that you write becomes a new “favorite,” so it’s hard to single any out.

    Posts on politics, feminism, and certain common themes– housewives, abortion, etc.– are usually interesting as well, but they get a little predictable after a while. You’re probably preaching to the choir, anyway 🙂


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