Daily Plan

Since people say they enjoy these daily schedule posts, here’s what I’m doing today.

8 am – got up to discover that it finally got cold and rainy, which immediately made me happy

8:00-9:00 – ate breakfast  (whole grain pita pockets with hummus and mango tea) while watching Dr Phil and browsing Twitter

9:00-11:00 – managed my online course, did class prep for Thursday, and answered emails for work

11:00-12:00 – got ready to venture onto the highway

12:00-12:30 –  ran to the car and back trying not to leave any important stuff behind and, of course, left everything behind

12:30-13:30 – drove to St. Louis.

13:30-14:00 – visited Panera for lunch but didn’t manage to order anything because of stress

14:00-14:10 – drove to the Mercy Hospital. I’m not sick or anything, this is just a yearly checkup. I’m understandably incapable of visiting my local gynecologist, so now I schlep to St Louis to see one. And I’m still freaking out.

14:10-15:10 – the doctor’s appointment

15:10-16:00 – I will reward myself for all this drama by driving to the Global Foods for some ethnic food.

16:00 – 17:00 – drive home.

17:00-17:30 – reward myself further by eating borscht

17:30 – 19:00 – work on my book

19:00-20:30 – the gym with N

20:30 – 21:30 – share the drama of driving on the highway with my sister

21:30 – 23:00 – watch the second season of The Wire with N. We are really into this great show.

And that’s about it.

6 thoughts on “Daily Plan

  1. Whose your favorite character so far in The Wire? It’ll probably change over the seasons because the characters evolve at a different pace, but at the end of season 1 it was Lester Freamon for me. That scene where he nonchalantly produces Avon’s photo still gives me all the feels!

    I like Avon, too.

    Both of them defy stereotypes of their profession. Lester, a plodding, methodical researcher. And Avon, unlike any ‘gangster’ depicted in popular TV shows and rap videos. No flashy clothes or jewelery. Just business.


    1. In terms of cuteness, Stringer Bell obviously wins. I’m not surprised you chose this avatar because the guy is definitely easy on the eyes.

      And as a character, I like officer Prezbyliewski because he was such a loser and everybody despised him but then he found something he was really good at and began to shine. This is such an “autistic redeemed” story.


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