Gotcha Questions

It turns out that there is a synonym for the idiotic word “microaggressions.” It’s “gotcha questions.”

The participants in the most recent Republican debates gave been moaning that mean, nasty journalists hurt their tender fee-fees with gotcha questions. It seems like they expected to be patted on the head and celebrated for just showing up, and when that didn’t transpire, they felt extremely traumatized.

Who Expands the Government?

My state of Illinois recently elected a Republican governor. He refuses to sign the state budget, so we’ve been functioning without a budget for months. However, he is issuing endless regulatory orders that do nothing whatsoever but generate mountains of useless paperwork.

Here is just a single example from last week. Every year, all state university employees have to undergo a two-hour long “ethics training.” One aspect of it consists of informing us that we can only accept food (e.g. at conferences) or gifts (e.g. a notebook or a pen at a career fair) from private businesses in the amount lower than $100. Now our governor has decided that this amount needs to be lowered to under $75. This is a change that will affect, I’m guessing, maybe a dozen people a year in the entire state. And the extent of the change will be imperceptible.

BUT – and this is the frustrating part – now all of the endless paperwork that is connected with these “ethics regulations and trainings” will have to be modified to reflect the $25 change in the amount of these non-existent gifts to state professors. Crowds of people will be distracted from doing something useful and into rewriting these documents, reformatting the ethics trainings, changing protocols, and issuing memos.

Mind you, this is just a single example I have given you. I have dozens more, and we just elected this fucker less than a year ago. Nothing whatsoever is being done by him and his office but for the issuing of an endless stream of these orders that are tweaking some tiny little aspect of the growing bureaucratic machine. The state 911 line is being closed down for lack of funds to pay for it, yet we are futzing around with reams of paperwork about the imaginary $25 in gifts that nobody really gives to anybody in the real world.

This is why whenever I hear anybody chirp that Republicans want a smaller government and fewer bureaucratic regulations, I realize that I’m dealing with a clinical imbecile. I worked for several years in the same state under the Dem Governor Pat Quinn, and there was nothing even remotely similar to this avalanche of petty tweakings to the paperwork imposed on us. The bureaucratic machine was there but it was not being expanded in an out-of-control way like it is with the Republican Rauner. 

Cultural Differences

One of the central preoccupations of the Russian people in the wake of the tragic airplane crash in Sinai was, “Imagine how happy this will make Ukrainians! They will celebrate this tragedy that happened to us!”

This idea was expressed, with maniacal obsessiveness, on TV shows, in newspapers, on blogs of private citizens.

In the meanwhile, Ukrainians were bringing flowers and cards to the Russian embassy in Moscow. Nobody was celebrating anything.

When it became clear that a wave of Ukrainian celebrations of the crash was not going to surface, Russians started visiting the blogs of other Russians, posing as Ukrainians and pretending to be happy about the crash. Of course, their IPs revealed that they were all located in Russia, so they had to stop. These were obviously not state trolls because those know how to mask their IPs. These were just regular Russian citizens.

As Idiotic Fantasies Go. . .

One of the most idiotic liberal fantasies is that unrestricted mass immigration (open borders policies) from countries with Enlightenment-hostile ideologies will result in something good for anything but a small subset of people, for a very short time.

Yes, oh yes, oh yes.

There was an article in the NYTIMES yesterday about this tiny German town of 102 people that is being ordered to take in 1,000 refugees. Out of these refugees at least 700 are bound to be young men. And this means they will want to work, do something productive with their lives. It is self-evident that a village of 102 cannot possibly have 700 job openings. So what is the plan for the refugees? To have hundreds of young, healthy, active men just sit there, stewing in their juices? Sounds like a peach of a project.

But there is one fellow in the village who’s ecstatic about the imminent arrival of the refugees. It’s the village’s lone Neo-Nazi. He’s tired of being the only Neo-Nazi in the area and is joyfully anticipating seeing his neighbors join him in his Neo-Nazi beliefs.

And it seems like the German authorities are bending over backwards to grant his wish.