I Don’t Get Them

What I can’t figure out is why the folks in those $ 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 (which is VERY expensive in this  area) houses vote for Trump. 

They are obviously doing amazing in this economy. The houses are brand new, having been built a few months ago in a subdivision with very high property taxes.

It can’t be Mexicans / Muslims because there aren’t any for hundreds of miles around. Mexicans / Muslims are as relevant to this area as Australians.

What is it, then ? They are rich and getting richer, they don’t have to see anybody non-white anywhere but on TV. What’s making them this angry? 

Tovarish Trump

Did you, folks, hear about the server Trump set up to communicate exclusively and constantly with Alfa Bank, a criminal organization owned by Putin?

When I say that Trump’s every line is dictated by the Kremlin , I’m not kidding. for instance , when Trump says, ” Let’s cancel the elections altogether”, it’s not a clumsy attempt at humor. It’s a line that is immediately used in a thousand of newscasts in Russia that say, ” Americans have recognized that democracy doesn’t work and we were right the whole time to reject this useless invention that Americans are trying to slam down people’s throats.”

When he says “the election is rigged”, there is an explosion of glee in Russian media. ” American elections are just as rigged as ours! Democracy is all about fake elections everywhere.” 

He literally says nothing that hasn’t been part of The Kremlin narrative for 16 years.