Nothing Learned 

People, this is uncanny. This post was written in 2004, after Kerry lost. It could have been written today. Nobody learned anything. We are seeing the same dismissal of voters’ concerns, the same efforts to box them into a narrative of imaginary economic woe, the same condescending belief that their eyes need to be opened. 

What needs to happen for this to change? 

Friday Link Encyclopedia: The No Freaks Edition 

To honor the festive spirit of the season, there are only good articles today. No freaks!

Many areas which voted for Trump just decided to give themselves a tax increase to make gentry class, wealthy, and rich people even better off. They just enriched the ‘coastal elites’ that they so very much despise.” Ironic, indeed. But hey, it’s their funeral. I hope they enjoy it.

Timothy Snyder is amazing. Read his advice for the Trump era.

[Ukrainian] The Ukrainian government is helping Israel to put out the horrible fires.

Short and funny about Thanksgiving.

[Russian] Can you guess who is the only politician who is loved more than Putin in Russia? He has a 90% approval rating where Putin only gets 86%. Yes, of course, it’s Donald Trump.

very good article on neoliberalism.

A book on how to raise an entrepreneur turns out to be great in spite of the horrible title. I was prepared to hate but had no reason to.

And now, sorry, I just have to post some freakdom, too, because this is getting too saccharine for me.

The CNN has been wondering if Jews are people.