Saturday Link Encyclopedia 

British Airways has found a way to make travel even more uncomfortable. Truly, when there is a will, there is a way.

gay man writes about the disturbing resurgence of conversion therapy.

Economists are horrified at the prospect of Trump being elected.

Folks, do check it out. There is a fellow who is an absolute genius. He draws mental illness. And the catch is that the drawings will tell you nothing unless you are in the risk group for this illness. None of the drawings meant anything to me. Except one that felt like a punch in the gut. And what do you think? It’s OCD which I totally tend towards.

[Funny photo] Merkel is meeting tiny little Putin.

University of Florida is going to be offering counseling for students offended by Halloween costumes.
And this is the kind of horrible, horrible police we get here in St Louis.

Parenting Update

I’m sorry,  folks, I don’t have much of interest to say today. Klara is unwell, and I’m all about that. She had a low-grade fever yesterday. Today, the fever is gone but I can see she’s still uncomfortable. She’s drooling up a storm, like nothing I’ve seen before. And she seems to be uncomfortable in her mouth.

The first thing that occurs to one is teething, especially since she’s about to turn 9 months. But here’s the thing: I’m not seeing any teeth contours under her gums. The gums don’t look swollen or unusual. 

She’s had a cold (we saw a pediatrician for that this week), so maybe it’s a sore throat.

That’s all I’ve got for now.