Advice for Democrats

Another thing that the Democrats need to do to make themselves more appealing is drop the “you didn’t make it on your own” ideology. I’m not talking just about Obama’s notorious gaffe. I mean that the whole line of thinking needs to go. American voters en masse will not go for “It’s not your achievement, it’s about your white / male / thin, etc privilege” and “you wouldn’t have made it without the government building roads and providing social services.” 

The point is not whether the idea is correct. The point is that it’s off-putting. Those who don’t find it off-putting are already voting for you. Do you want to hold on to this idea or do you want to hold the Congress? 

Also, dispense with the smugness and the high moral ground of all this “the Left, being right since Adam and Eve” or “the Left, making your life better since the Big Bang”. Again, people who like this shit are already yours. But the governorships, the Senate, the Congress and the White House aren’t. Quit being superior, it is not cute.

There are – what? 90 million? – of people who don’t vote. Make yourselves attractive to them and not to those you have already convinced.

Working Class Feminism 

Feminists would be well-advised to ease up on pop culture navel-gazing and corporate pseudo-feminist drivel like Lean In. They need to shift their central focus from the glass ceiling to the sticky floor, which, after all, is the place where most women dwell. A feminism that delivers for working-class women by addressing their material needs could expand feminism’s base and bring about a much-needed feminist revival. A feminism that delivers for working-class women by addressing their material needs could radically expand feminism’s base.

I’m all for a reduction in navel gazing but I don’t get this article at all. If reproductive freedom, free college, cheaper daycare, maternity leave, higher minimum wage, a chance to preserve social security and Medicare, cheaper healthcare are not the policies that would help working class women, then what is? Enough empty blabber, let’s talk specifics. What did Trump offer working class women that Hillary didn’t?

I’m so tired of this “Trump is the revenge of the dispossessed” narrative. 

Academic Class Resentment 

The hotel in Houston where the conference was held was so chic and expensive that there were phone numbers of male prostitutes in ladies’ bathrooms.

I don’t get this weird fashion of  holding academic conferences in very expensive hotels. Everybody spends the entire conference blabbing about social justice while the association’s leadership luxuriates in the expensive hotel and the plebs has to spend money on taxis to schlep oneself and all of one’s stuff from a cheap hotel on the outskirts every day.

I’ll never forget that shameful MLA that was held on Nob Hill in SF. Most of the attendees were piss-poor grad students who couldn’t even afford to have a snack at that place. And the chair of my department was all, “Oh, you are not staying here?” when it was clear I could barely afford the taxi fare to get to that hotel.