19 thoughts on “True or Not?

  1. That story is a HOAX that isn’t even worth a smirk at this point.

    The election is over, and the Clintons are finally in the rear-view mirror. So the country should just get on with setting up the new Republican order, and let Bill and Hillary go on their way into history.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “The last thing we need is any more Clintons or Bushes.”

        It’s the family business, not politics per se, but influence peddling. The Clinton Foundation isn’t worth much unless they have people in government, ie you need to have some influence to peddle it….


  2. i can’t imagine they would get divorced. I am really torn if they should be prosecuted. I doubt they would, but what i would love is obama to pardon them. that way trump and the republicans don’t have to waste time, but it becomes general knowledge that they deserved to be punished, especially for the shady clinton foundation (of which there is a very active fbi investigation still ongoing, unlike the other on emails which appears mostly done).

    Will be interesting if obama does. I doubt it.. but who knows.


        1. Many tens of millions (enough to win the presidency indeed!) feel similarly. Time for you two to get over it 🙂 suck it up buttercup is the line i like to use for you crybaby’s now!!!


    1. If Obama issued a pardon for her (or “them”), it would be a public acknowledgement on his part that she/they had committed crimes under his watch. Obama isn’t about to admit that.

      Like I said, the Clintons are history. Just let them slink on away.


      1. clearly not a major focus of the administration going forward, but i do think the issue is not resolved. and i am on the more moderate side of the issue for most republicans on this one


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