White Identity Crisis

There is yet another article in the NY TIMES about ” the crisis of white identity.” The whole concept sounds deeply bizarre to me. I’m white but I never had any “white identity”. Never felt the need for one. And hey, I’m better off because I don’t need to be wasting my time on any dumb identity crisis as a result. 

People should go find something useful to do with themselves. 

Once It’s Over

The people who really bug me are those who say in holier – than – thou tones, “I’m just so tired of all this negativity and partisanship. I want this election to be over.” 

Yes, once the election is over, we will all make flower arrangements and stare at our miniature peace gardens because that’s what everybody did non-stop before this election.

The Answer

The story of the Oppressed Tiffany answered my own question about the rich Trump supporters. I forgot that it’s precisely the rich and the spoiled who feel the most Oppressed and downtrodden. They are sitting in their mansions, feeling aggrieved and hard done by. Their oppression doesn’t have to be real. To the contrary, they feel it all the more strongly the less actual cause there is for it.

The people who are actually experiencing hardship are never so aggressively mean about it.

A Raging Snowflake 

Remember the Oppressed Tiffany, a very special snowflake whose “narrative was erased by the entire field of academia” when a hapless prof asked her to work on her writing?

The administration of her college is now going to humiliate the entire teaching faculty by forcing them to attend classes on microaggressions to appease the raging snowflake. Serves them right for not figuring out that their job is not to teach the snowflakes but to praise them slavishly and exuberantly without pause.