The pro-Russia Biden

This is the pro-Ukrainian Biden we hear so much about. It’s the same Biden who removed Trump’s Nordstream 2 ban, facilitating the Russian invasion of 2022.

Labor Stories

At the gas station, an older gentleman came up to me.

“You are very pretty,” he said. “Pretty lady. You work for the university. Back in the sixties, when your university was being built, I was union labor. The university hired non-union, so we went and blew up all the pipes, everything. Now it’s all union on your campus. Never discount union labor.”

I was so touched, I almost cried. I didn’t mention that the current very progressive administration is abusing labor under the slogans of anti-racism. In one of the meetings, when a smug administrator in $600 shoes was bleating about his dedication to “anti-racist work”, the many black union members got up and chanted, “Are we black enough for you? Eleven months without a contract. Shame, shame!” They were accused of being racist, which is a tad confusing given that they were as black as the smug administrator.

Should Anti-semitic Speech Be Punished?

Meanwhile in Texas:

The Governor’s Executive Order requires that all higher education institutions in Texas review their free speech policies to establish appropriate punishments for antisemitic rhetoric on college and university campuses, ensure that policies that address the sharp rise of antisemitic acts are enforced, and include the definition of antisemitism in free speech policies.

With Republicans like Abbott, why do we even need Democrats? This is a step in the direction of punishing people for not chanting BLM slogans loudly enough. No speech should be banned or punished. No speech should be equated to action. The moment you start banning any speech, you have created the conditions to have your own speech banned.

Cinq à sept

English speakers, does the expression “five to seven” mean anything to you? If you read the phrase, “they really enjoyed their five to sevens”, do you know what that’s about? Or should it be translated differently?

I’m trying to figure out if a translation of the Quebecois “cinq à sept” is good. By the way, popular as they are, nobody ever invited me to a cinq à sept in Quebec. Not once. They have no sexual meaning in Francophone Canada, just in case people have dirty interpretations of what I said.

About Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn was a good author. His novel In the First Circle is excellent. I highly recommend if people haven’t read it. In that novel, there’s a really funny character whom the author gently mocks for his extreme Russian nationalism. The dude is so Russian, he avoids using any foreign words, including “engineer” and “mathematics”, which is quite hard given that he’s a mathematician. He’s also immoral and shallow, in spite of prattling incessantly about morality.

I’m going into so much detail about this character because after mocking this type of mealy-mouthed, holier-than-though, abnormally nationalistic individual… Solzhenitsyn turned into exactly that kind of person. The large series of historical novels he wrote later in life is impossible to read because the author’s avoidance of foreign words makes the text sound ridiculous.

In what concerns his ideas, Solzhenitsyn hated Jews and Ukrainians, and his entire ideology revolved against the narcissistic wound inflicted on his Russian soul by their existence. But In the First Circle is still absolutely worth reading. And so is Cancer Ward which is weaker but still good.

US lefties detest Solzhenitsyn because he told the truth about the horrors of Stalinism. He’s not much liked in Russia today for the same reason.

Feeding a Family

I don’t know how many they are in that family but $1,000 per month for food doesn’t seem very low. I spend more but it’s my own money I spend, not somebody else’s. I don’t buy any of this crap, though. I don’t even recognize half of it. Of course, if there are many children, that’s not enough but who feeds children with this kind of crap?