The pro-Russia Biden

This is the pro-Ukrainian Biden we hear so much about. It’s the same Biden who removed Trump’s Nordstream 2 ban, facilitating the Russian invasion of 2022.

11 thoughts on “The pro-Russia Biden

  1. “It’s the same Biden who removed Trump’s Nordstream 2 ban, facilitating the Russian invasion of 2022.”

    Russia would have had even less to lose by invading Ukraine had this ban remained in place.


    1. Yes, let’s remove all sanctions and reward them for their invasions. It’s the exact policy that was tried for 30 years and always led to more invasions but let’s persist in hopes of a different result this time around.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, in hindsight, it was a failed strategy. At least Biden could say that he tried, though, not like it matters all that much now. Neville Chamberlain could have also said that he tried but that what he offered Hitler simply wasn’t enough to permanently satisfy him.

        So, Yes, you are correct that sometimes the phrase “give an inch, and they’ll take a mile” certainly holds true. But I don’t think that Putin would have been deterred from invading Ukraine had the Nordstream-2 sanctions remained in place.


      1. Oh, I know. But the West ignored it because there were a lot of ethnic Russians and Russophones in those areas, unlike in the rest of Ukraine. I have to admit that I myself deeply, deeply regret my own past support for Russia’s annexation of Crimea. After Russia invaded the rest of Ukraine in 2022, I very quickly concluded that the whole Russian enterprise in Ukraine, ever since 2014, was rotten from the start and that Russia should not have gotten involved there at all. (In this regard, I would be similar to, say, a German-American who supported the German annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938, only to subsequently deeply lament what the ultimate outcome of the next series of German actions ended up being.)

        Russia should have stayed within its 1992 borders. It would indeed be best for Russia to return to them. Yet the question remains whether even if this war will stop and Russia will actually experience regime change, a subsequent more pro-Western Russian government would actually agree to return Russia to its 1992 (2013) borders. What do you think?

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        1. There is no such thing as “an ethnic Russian.” Nobody spoke or thought in those terms in Ukraine. This is a propaganda term.

          I am grateful, however, that you regret the Crimea annexation.

          I’m not seeing any prospects for regime change in Russia, unfortunately. I’m observing the Russian opposition in exile, and it’s pitiable. They are right now deeply engaged in figuring out who’s guilty for how things worked out in the 1990s. That’s their most pressing concern because Putin allowed to rubbish the nineties. And they can’t step outside of his prescriptions even while living far away from Russia.

          Those people. They put at the beginning of every “protest” video or article the Putin-prescribed tag: “This product is made by a foreign agent hostile to Russia.” Such mental slavery! They are living outside of Russia yet they still obey Putin’s orders like the patient monkeys they are.


  2. To be fair to Biden, he is in a very tough spot. If oil prices shoot up, inflation will get worse. The price of everything increases when the price of oil goes up. Same thing happened to Jimmy Carter, so I can see why Biden will try everything to avoid that.


    1. He can resolve this problem immediately by removing the limitations on domestic oil production and export of US oil and natural gas. Instead of promoting the domestic energy industry, he’s promoting Russia’s. And the only reason for it is that he can’t keep his party’s crazies in check.

      Yes, just like Trump can’t keep his. We are screwed.


  3. A good point about modern warfare :

    \The 1949 Geneva Convention was drafted to mitigate the suffering and injustices of war. It sets out permissible and prohibited actions in war based on two implicit assumptions: first, that the fighting forces are primarily national militaries operating under their government’s responsibility and international agreements; second, that there is complete reciprocity in the conduct of war.

    since 1949, the emergence of non-state actors uncommitted to these laws has changed the dynamics. Previously, small terror groups armed with basic weaponry could be overlooked, but groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels in Yemen have evolved into formidable forces with capabilities comparable to those of advanced national armies, including arsenals of 200,000 missiles and rockets capable of reaching up to 2,000 km (1,242 miles).

    An equally disturbing example concerns the possibility of a full-scale war in Lebanon. Hezbollah will probably shoot at civilian targets in Israel, from electricity and water infrastructure to city centers, since it is not subject to any law. If Israel destroys electricity and transportation infrastructure in Lebanon, the world will raise an outcry that we are acting in violation of the laws of war.

    One-sided compliance with international law could lead to Israel’s defeat. Such constraints also risk legitimizing and encouraging countries to employ militias like the Iran-backed Hezbollah, which operate without these restrictions.

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    1. Russia has been doing exactly this for two years, and there’s no condemnation, no rabid campus crowds, no outcry at all. And there was no October 7 to provoke Russia. A clear-cut moral issue, yet no outcry to speak of.

      The outcry doesn’t depend on what’s done. It depends on how people feel about those doing things.


  4. “It depends on how people feel about those doing things.”

    Yes, and at the moment Israelis are considered worse than lepers, so whatever they do is considered tainted.

    This mentality is rapidly being extended to all Jews generally, with apparent (only apparent) exceptions made for those self-hating and sel-abasing Jews like Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein who kowtow to the new Woko-wacko dictum now reigning supreme.

    But don’t worry the time will come for them too, since they are being dehumanised, together with all “Whites”, by the anti-racist racists, DEI nomenklatura and the rest of their “decolonising” clap-trap.


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