The Last Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion of 2011!

Join me in sharing your milestones and achievements of 2011 with Danny on his blog.

On the surface, this person’s journey towards happiness seems very different from mine. On a profound level, though, it’s remarkably similar.

I don’t have a sense of humor when it comes to student plagiarism but if you don’t have the same psychological issue as I do, read this article ridiculing plagiarists in a very inventive way.

An Indian and Oedipal post from a very talented blogger. What more does one need for a perfect blog post?

Scary: “In an effort to determine how far the prospective mother’s cervix was dilated – to see if it was safe to push the baby out – the nurse did a manual exam of the laboring woman’s vagina. Which the husband claimed was “rape”. Then, after he had been forced outside to a room where he could watch through a window without interfering, he broke through the locked door and punched the nurse when she removed the woman’s face coverings.” Why any woman would want to perpetuate the genes of such a creepazoid is beyond my understanding.

If nothing has managed to persuade you to buy a Kindle, this will: bedbugs in books.

Published last month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the report shows that people who know very little about an issue — say the economic downturn, changes in the climate or dwindling fossil fuel reserves — tend to avoid learning more about it. This insulates them in their ignorance — a pattern described by researchers as “motivated avoidance.”

The most intelligent and sane post on the economy I have read in a while: “In the  Goldman Sachs’ of this world, no one in his right mind should ever trust. And we cannot write rules to protect the insane, except to incarcerate them in suitable medical facilities.”

““[T]he increase in diagnoses [of mental illness in America] is a boon to pharmaceutical manufacturers,” notes a Forbes writer. “The new generation of psychoactives has displaced cholesterol-reducing medications as the biggest-selling class of drugs in the U.S.” Please remember this every time you feel tempted to utter something like, “Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain” or “Mental illness is serious!” Yes, it’s serious. It is also seriously profitable to convince us all we need a few prescriptions on a daily basis.

A brilliant, insightful, life-affirming post on child free time. Whenever I read this blogger’s posts, they always have a very calming effect on me.

The best 2011 photos we never saw.

A protester associated with Occupy London was barred from boarding his flight home to Malaga for Christmas because he was carrying “anarchist” literature.”

One of the most difficult parts of my literary translation. I almost slaughtered myself doing this, people. If you do decide to read it, remember that any corrections and suggestions are very welcome. I never get huffy and puffy when people offer criticisms of my work, so fear not.

Another BRILLIANT post from the Last Psychiatrist: “Amy Chua was called a terrible mom for being hard on her kids, but if she had been a dad the state would have sent in the police and Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Dad would not exist.  It doesn’t exist, which is my point.  She was able to publish because her audience– e.g. the readers of the WSJ where she first and exclusively published an excerpt of her book– like to hear the words “college” and “success” and “how”,  but to soften it from mean parenting to tough parenting you have to make it all come from a woman, especially a non-American one.  Rule #1 of stupid people trying to make sense of the world: the culture you know nothing about has all the answers.” This blogger is so brilliant that it boggles my mind.

Anti-free speech insanity in Austria. This is seriously shocking, people.

If you are applying to grad school, you will find this post very enlightening.

New year predictions by a very talented Rational Republican. You get to vote, too, and then at the end of the year, you will be able to compare whose predictions came true.

And the most important link of all: “For the first time in nearly a century, automobile accidents are no longer the nation’s leading cause of accidental deaths, according to a major report released Tuesday by the National Center for Health Statistics. The new number one killer is drugs—not smack, crystal meth or any other stepped-on menace sold in urban alleyways or trailer parks, but bright, shiny pills prescribed by doctors, approved by the government, manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and sold to the consumer as “medicine.” Yet of the billions of legit pills Americans pop every year for medical conditions serious and otherwise, the vast majority of lives are claimed by only a select few classes—painkillers, sedatives and stimulants—that all share a common characteristic: they promote abuse, dependence and addiction.”

19 thoughts on “The Last Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion of 2011!

  1. You do know the person you linked to is an English professor, right? I doubt she knows what seratonin is, or understands how very wrong neurological wiring can go. Just letting everyone know that they should probably take that linkie with a metric ton of salt.


    1. Naw it was totes me. Lack of sleep and rage at concern trolls [not you] and I start seeing everybody’s spirit animal [mine’s a Humbolt squid].


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