Cutesy Puns Suck

When are people are going to get tired of saccharine puns already? They are stupid and common, so let’s just stop with the puns.

I just got an invitation to a “cupcake fundraiser” called “Baking a Difference.” Can you get more annoyingly precious than that? Besides, it sounds like a person with a sinus infection is trying to say the word “making.”

7 thoughts on “Cutesy Puns Suck

  1. “Can you get more annoyingly precious than that?”

    Yes, I can. A woman on Twitter today got very very worked up about a stray rude comment about stay-at-home mums, started a ‘protest’ hash tag and everything, so I went to her blog to see what she was about. The very first post I saw was called “Tightening my curse strings”. It was about the importance of learning not to swear.


    1. “The very first post I saw was called “Tightening my curse strings””

      – Oh, Jesus, bleh. 🙂 This is not even a good pun because it needs an explanation to work and not to look like a typo.


  2. I love me a good pun, but mine tend to veer on the side of nasty, rather than cutesy, like calling Scott Walker a Kochsucker. 🙂


  3. A private school in Montreal has a parenting committee and they called themselves.. SPA (school parents’ association). So, all of their tweets and updates are along the lines of “ladies, want to come to the SPA this Wednesday?”… I can only imagine the women that are part of that group.


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