4 thoughts on “Cafeteria Posters

  1. Maybe potential students’ mental state should be checked before they are admitted to the university?

    No, if an idiot (in the clinical meaning of the word) pays money, he/she is not considered an idiot, right?


    1. They are young, it’s touching that they experiment with outlandish (for them) political beliefs.

      At least, these two guys have political beliefs. Most had no idea that a presidential election was taking place last year.


      1. This is probably in response to people who consider any government provided services to be communism. That would be my assumption unless there is a specific reference to the Soviet Union or Cuba.


        1. “This is probably in response to people who consider any government provided services to be communism. ”

          – Yes, I think so, too. I think they are trying to be provocative which is what they should be doing at their age.


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