War Intensifies

Russian bombs hit downtown Kharkiv. My university in Kharkiv is burning.

And this is a small city near Kyiv:

In positive, heart-warming news, there’s this:

Six thousand Russian soldiers are dead so far. Of course, Putin is happy because he deeply dislikes ethnic Russians. But almost no ethnic Russians have managed to notice it in the past 22 years, so it’s on them.

5 thoughts on “War Intensifies

  1. I have nothing new to say. These are the beginnings of the horrors we’re terrified of.

    As a distraction, I’ve been watching lots of videos of Ukrainians to cheer myself up, and also some of Russians (non-Putin supporters) talking about how fucked they will be economically. I’ve learned so many new swear words; or rather applications of existing ones – for example at 0:26 in this video (which I completely agree with): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTxqlyRcW-w&ab_channel=%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BBATR


  2. Clarissa I am so sorry you and your countrypeople are going through this suffering. The peoples of both countries are pawns on the globalist chessboard. They don’t deserve this.


    1. The people of Russia aren’t the pawns of anything. They’ve been doing exactly this for several centuries. This is simply what they do. Ask the Poles, ask the Baltics, ask Central Asia, ask the Transcaucasians, ask the indigenous peoples of Siberia. Ask the people of Venezuela and Central Africa.


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