Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion

I’m not the only person to be appalled by the recent speech of the MLA’s new president.

Are you still celebrating the Arab spring? Look what it brought to Egypt. I don’t want to say “I told you so,” but really, folks, I told you so.

For my fellow introverts: “10 Myths About Introverts.

Fashion in 1824. The pictures are beautiful.

Macy’s fires a transphobic employee who has the gall to pretend that her hatred of peaceful customers has something to do with Christianity. Good job, Macy’s! I hope this bigot doesn’t get employed for a position where she would come in contact with human beings.

Weird and creepy Christmas photos. Some of these are quite disturbing.

Circumcision is Africa’s best weapon against AIDS.” Erm, seriously? Has anybody heard of this really cool thing called a condom? For how much longer will we be messing with people’s penises for fear of angering the barbaric Catholic Church?

A great easy recipe of how to make candied orange peel. I eat clementines and oranges in industrial quantities in winter, so it’s great to have some use for the peel.

Dear Abby believes that kids should never be left alone. A talented writer and a great mother responds to this stupid assertion.

A prof conducts an experiment on establishing a socialist system in the classroom. Try to predict the results before reading the post. Of course, it was easy for me to do, given that I was born in a society that was run just like this classroom.

Obama is trying to buy popularity from the fundamentalist fanatics by making really idiotic statements about the morning-after pill. Because this pandering to the crazies has worked so well for his Democratic predecessors. Oh, wait, it didn’t. Well, hope springs eternal. Seriously, is he trying to make himself unpalatable to every progressive voter in the country on purpose?

And here is a brilliant response to the above-mentioned stupid statement from President Obama: “Anyone who is more concerned about a pregnant child being hurt by contraceptives than they are about that child being raped, pregnant, and forced instead to undergo an abortion or a full-term pregnancy and delivery, is living in a silly, stupid, unserious bubble of self-deceit, and no one should listen to anything they have to say on the subject of reproductive rights ever again.” My thoughts exactly.

Obama is trying on a role of the benevolent patriarch. And that stinks.

A very interesting post on online dating in France.

Should the opponents of same-sex marriage have their children taken away?

McDonald’s tries to look non-racist and publishes an ad that makes it look extremely racist. No wonder these idiots can’t even get a hamburger right.

Dr. Mankiw offers a brilliant response to the students who walked out of his classroom because they didn’t like what they decided his ideology must be. I really admire his calmness and composure in response to this nasty prank.

An intersex mayor in Australia. I’m currently starting to do research on intersex gender identities (more on that later) and it’s really good to see how intersex folks can find acceptance and live good lives in some places.

How to offer support to a person who suffers from depression. This is really good, practical, insightful advice.

The beginning of the decline of the American Empire began in  AD 2000, with the accession to office of a ‘free’ bread and circuses president. Wake up America, read the history books, and move swiftly to put an end to wealth-degrading popularity-buying by corrupt politicians.” Hear, hear!

In a world of intolerance. A great post from my colleague. See how smart we all are at my university?

Evidence of a caste system in the US.

21 thoughts on “Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion

  1. For how much longer will we be messing with people’s penises for fear of angering the barbaric Catholic Church?

    Actually, I believe Catholics are vehemently anti-circumcision.


    1. Uh, not to my recollection. I grew up in an all-Catholic community, have a family that has been Catholic for generations, and went to only Catholic schools until I graduated high school. Circumcision is common in the Catholic community, and I never even once heard anyone speak “vehemently” against it.


  2. The link on introversion is pure awesome and dead right on the spot.

    I never had much doubt about me being an introvert, but I did not know was that it is linked to daydreaming. I was really relieved when someone told me, actually.


    1. Very much agreed on the introvert post. I feel like I should print it out as a fact sheet for when I attend the upcoming round of Mandatory Holiday Fun. 😛


  3. Regarding Egypt, the parties for whom women (and others) can vote can be found here:

    Regarding the results so far, it’s also important to realize that the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Nour do not get along at all, and the MB has refused to form a coalition with them, which means they will have to form a coalition with someone else, and to have power, that group will have to be non-Islamists, which could be interesting. Then there are Salafis popular with liberals, like these: Then there are liberals who refuse to vote, which means their voices will not be heard, which seems like a poor choice to me (although I doubt they would outnumber the Islamists anyway). And of course the NDP remnants. It’s much more complicated than Salafis v. the Army.

    Personally, I do not support fundamentalists of any sort, but I think it is unfair to equate them with rapists as you seem to do with the two links you chose. I also see no contradiction with supporting the Egyptian revolution and not supporting Islamists, since while there is overlap, they are not the same thing. I realize that it is your blog, and you can say what you like, and this is just one link, but I at least would be interested to see you engage with these topics with a little more complexity. Islamists v. Mubarak just doesn’t cut it.

    I like the rest of the links though 🙂


  4. Thank you for linking to my blog once again! 😀

    Also, the rest of the links this week are great. Thanks for the introvert one; I want to disperse this to everybody in the world.


  5. Great collection of links! Thank you!

    The post on McDonalds made my night.

    On Obama’s stupid and cowardly move regarding Plan B, here is more commentary.

    Also, I wonder if you had seen anything about this incident at Emory last week.



    1. Great article! Thank you for linking it. I especially like the part about introverts being “a minority in the regular population but a majority in the gifted population.” No offence to extroverts, but this is so true.


  6. 🙂 i imagined you would pick that particular.
    of course imo it was written soc. tongue-in-cheek.
    nevertheless, it is still – together with your link – my go-to if i might wish to “enlighten” someone.
    (i am so happy that i can finally live in a way that feels good to me. and i am very happy working and being alone. i could not work as a prof/teacher given the accompanying environments. you amaze me that it works for you.)


    1. “i am so happy that i can finally live in a way that feels good to me. and i am very happy working and being alone”

      -This is really great to hear! I am very happy for you.

      “i could not work as a prof/teacher given the accompanying environments. you amaze me that it works for you”

      -I wouldn’t be able to manage my autism as well as I do without teaching.


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