
At the hospital, N was washing me in the shower because I was pretty helpless after the operation. As you can imagine, my body doesn’t look its best at this moment. The pregnancy, the surgery, the old PUPPPS scars, the new PUPPPS eruptions that look only slightly better than Bubonic plague (I checked), the feet and hands that are swollen to twice their natural size, the face that is puffed up like a pillow from crying, the hair that has been absolutely crazy – in short, I have to brace myself before undressing to avoid traumatizing myself with the ugliness.

So as N was washing my ravaged, battered, miserable body, I turned around and caught him staring at it with such overwhelming adoration that I don’t think many movie stars and top models get from people who look at their perfect bodies.

One thought on “Love

  1. with regard to coming to terms with personal ugliness, I have found Bataille very useful indeed. It’s hard to explain why, but it feels like part of an adventure to take flight on this thermal.


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