
It’s disappointing that the Obama administration seriously considers issuing decrees about the deeply idiotic toilet issue but never bothered to do anything about the destruction of public education by state governments. We have students who will not be able to continue their education next year because they are not getting their grants. We have workers who can’t get seen by a doctor in spite of paying huge insurance premiums. But these are not the issues that this administration deigns to notice. And that’s quite disgusting.

Elizabeth Warren for Veep?

I’m beginning to suspect that Joe Biden wants Hillary to lose the the election. He said she should choose Elizabeth Warren for her running mate. I know Warren has fans but they like her for her ideas, not her charm. And since a Veep is largely a ceremonial position, Hillary’s running mate should up her charm quotient, not lower it because, frankly, there is not that much space where it could descend.

Trump’s is a TV star, he knows how to work the cameras. Hillary needs somebody charismatic by her side. Somebody with the charm of a lamp post – even a really honest, intelligent, progressive lamp post – won’t cut it.

And I don’t in the least think that it’s wrong to expect politicians to bring charm to the table. All of us who get paid 10 times less than they do are managing to accept this reality.

So no, not Warren, please. And obviously not Bernie because all Trump will have to do is choose somebody in his forties, and the game is over. Hillary needs somebody young and smiley in a non-creepy way by her side.

News Sources

So people actually get news from Facebook? Strangely, my Facebook never even tried offering me any news aside from some gossip articles about starlets I don’t even know. But I haven’t gotten a single election-related suggestion or anything political at all. Is it true, as the NY TIMES says, that Facebook is the world’s most influential news source?

Liberal Academics

So. Want to guess how my colleagues – aka supposedly hugely Liberal college educators – respond to Rauner’s hijacking of our healthcare?

Yes, of course, their response is that Obamacare is evil and should be repealed. 

What does Obamacare have to do with our health insurance? Nothing what-so-bloody-ever. But it should be repealed because government can never manage anything right. Instead, we should all get tax credits and be able to buy health insurance across state lines, which will foster competition and solve all our problems.

The above-quoted argument is a very short rendering of the rants I’m receiving through campus email from my supposedly hugely Liberal colleagues re: Rauner’s depredations in the state of Illinois. I have not received any rant imbued with a competing ideology.

First, I was at Yale where using words like feminism, ideology and identity made me a target of veritable persecution. Then, I was at Cornell where we had actual conferences on how to despise any introduction of the political into our research. Now I’m at a regional state school where the only answer to everything is “repeal Obamacare” and “government is evil.” I can’t tell you how many times the subject of “evil government” has come up a propos of every subject in existence at our state school.  

In the meanwhile, all I ever hear about is this powerful cabal of Liberal academics who kill every vestige of conservatism on campuses. My only question is: where are those Liberal campuses? I’d like at least to catch a glimpse of one before I retire. Â