Tuesday Link Encyclopedia

When the rich and middle class disagree, each wins about half the time.

Turns out that “liquid workers” is now an actual term.

Trump’s anti-semitic supporters.

An on the subject of anti-semites, here is a short but vivid example from an angry liberal.

Hillary’s campaign chairman recently spoke at a conference on climate change and laid out some pretty fantastic ideas; and there was practically no media coverage of it compared to the frenzy over Donald Trump’s taco salad.” I also can’t believe the insane coverage the stupid tacos got. It’s pathetic. 

In a rant where he compared being transgender to pretending to be 65 to get Medicare, Ablow proposed injecting transgender children with hormones corresponding to their gender assigned at birth to “go with nature” and make them “feel more comfortable.” What a vicious, disgusting freak. He is just as monstrous as the creeps who inject healthy children with the opposite sex’s hormones. 

A fire that is hidden under a mountain of trash: an ecological disaster we don’t often discuss. 

I agree with this blogger completely that nobody should ever adjunct. In spite of terrible financial circumstances, I never even considered adjuncting when I was on the job market. And I believe that nobody should unless they are specifically looking to be lifelong part-timers.

France is finally ready to pass a labor reform bill that will address the permanent unemployability of millions.

Stories like these make me wonder if there isn’t a covert attempt to create widespread hatred for gay rights through this completely fake defense of them.


Soviet Religiosity


This architectural monstrosity is a cathedral that will be built in the capital of Ukraine. The architect is known for building Hyatt hotels. The cathedral will be paid for with public funds because, clearly, a country at war where nobody has practiced any religion for a century is in urgent need of an ugly-ass church. Kiev has beautiful historic cathedrals, of course, but it sorely misses a Hyatt-type cathedral.

Few things are more embarrassing and sad than the attempts of Soviet people to fake religion.


What I didn’t know was how fast babies develop. Klara, for instance, has learned to make sounds, and we have long, interesting conversations. As opposed to noises, sounds will form a basis for her future capacity to talk. She has figured out that when I make sounds at her, she should make sounds in response. We look into each other’s eyes and take turns “speaking.” And what really blows my mind is that she knows that sounds only make sense in the context of an interaction. She’s not even 3 months old yet, but she’s already sociable!

For some reason, I thought that formation of sounds was supposed to happen much later so this is really cool.

What Rauner Really Wants

Since Rauner’s office started to disseminate false stories about our university closing, our enrollments dropped. It is understandable because if people see a news segment that shows our university and features interviews with our students who are saying, “I don’t know what I would do if the school closes”, they are wary of applying.

Please note how Rauner operates: he refuses to give us the money that the state owes us and simultaneously tries to rob us of the only remaining source of income, tuition money. We are pretty much the most self-sufficient of Illinois’s public universities. Our administration has come up with a way to keep the university afloat even when the state money doesn’t come our way. In response, Rauner singles us out for these lying reports aimed at destroying our self-sufficiency.

It is, of course, a lie of Rauner’s that he wants public schools to cost the state less. If that were true, he wouldn’t single out my university and try to destroy it. Remember how I told you about that visit from the director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education? He said very clearly that the residents of the state only needed 2 or 3 public schools to stay open. Everything else had to close or be converted into an online degree mill.

There are powerful interests whose stated goal is to destroy public higher education in this country. All of these news stories about evil, self-involved academics who produce unreadable and worthless research, about colleges promoting groupthink and squeezing out all diversity of political opinion, spoiled bratty students who run around with idiotic slogans instead of learning – all they do is try to manipulate you into a position that will help Rauner and his ilk to destroy public higher education. The schools with bratty students, and stuck up academics with outdated theory are not the ones needing public funding. Forget about them and turn your attention to us instead. We are doing good work and people like Rauner are trying to destroy us.


The father of a 17-year-old student is campaigning to change Britain’s banks because he cannot find one that will give his child, who identifies as genderqueer and non-binary, an account – because all the online application forms require customers to be either male or female.

Of course, if the goal here were really to open a bank account, the student in question could have simply flipped a coin and entered anything into the online form. But that would deprive the narcissistic daddy of a chance to get on the news and play a hero.

A normal parent would not encourage his kid in this lunacy but would react to the teenage playacting with quiet, mild indifference, following the rule of “hear, see and say nothing”, which is the only practical way to deal with the teenage acting out.

Instead, the poor kid is being exploited to let daddy draw attention to himself. Nobody seems to care that the teenager is taking all this shit seriously and might go through life feeling rejected for his “identity.” The greatest enemy here is not an online form but a stupid Dad.