Crazy in Montreal

Montreal’s Taxi Bureau is a huge embarrassment. Inspectors are stalking and intimidating people they suspect of using Uber. The other day, these idiots cornered a famous Italian chef who was visiting the city.

Montreal was hosting the huge C2 conference for the past 3 days (and my sister attended, by the way, because she is an important business woman), and the Taxi Bureau decided it was a good thing to do some Uber-hunting among the visitors from all over the world.

Montreal is the best city in the hemisphere but it does tend to go nuts in a regulation frenzy. As you might remember, the city has already outlawed food trucks and fireplaces. And words like chowder and lasagna.

Here is a link but it’s in French.

Slow Cooker Question

So I no longer can make my favorite dishes that take hours to cook and many flavors to develop. These dishes need attention and dedication but they have lost to a smiley, blue-eyed competitor with huge cheeks who needs me more. 

As a result, I started using the slow cooker. I made two different kinds of pot roast in it (on different occasions, obviously). It tasted very good, especially the one where I cooked the roast in red wine. Here is the problem, though. The food ends up looking sad and boring. Everything ends up being the same color. Does anybody know how to combat this issue? Is there an obvious solution here that I’m blanking on?

Campus News

Today work email and social networks brought the following insights from my hugely Liberal colleagues:

  1. Evolution is just a matter of opinion.
  2. Rauner is the hero of the people of Illinois.
  3. Rauner is the best.
  4. Rauner is totally the best.
  5. Women who abort are still immoral.

I’m sure there are people on campus who espouse other points of view. Maybe I will even hear from them at some point in time. I mean, it’s only been seven years. That’s no time at all for raging liberalism to manifest itself.

And now please excuse me, I need to go listen to some recordings of Bernie’s speeches to make myself feel less alienated.

P.S. This is a sarcastic post, in case anybody is wondering.

Apocalypse Loosens Purse Strings

I’m starting to think that all of these apocalyptic  (and largely fake) articles about drug-resistant bacteria, swine flu, killer bees, etc are a marketing device. People who think the end is near are more likely to make ill-considered purchases. If horror is inevitable, why not just go and buy XYZ while one still can enjoy it?

A constant low-grade anxiety is very conducive to unbridled shopping.


Feedly is great because it shows me articles from all the websites I follow in the same standard black-letters-on-white-background format. I don’t have to deal with weird color combinations, strange fonts, flashing images, ads, or anything at all other than black letters on a white page. I don’t even know what people do to their websites. Which is just as well because it often is not that good.