Hoping That Hillary Is a Liar

OK, is it true that Hillary is saying Bill will have a role in her administration? Because it’s the most horrible idea ever. I have nothing against Bill Clinton but I hate people who inflict their spouses on others in professional contexts. Hillary needs to stand on her own. And Bill should stay home.

I hope she’s not being sincere about this because if she is, I’m going back to supporting Bernie. He, at least, knows when it’s time to shoo the hovering wife off the stage.

What possessed Hillary to do something so idiotic? Is she trying to look weak and useless on purpose?

The Opioid Craze

Of course, it makes so much sense to keep sinking billions into treating the folks who get addicted to opioid painkillers instead of outlawing their long-term prescription once and for all. Not.

These drugs will turn any pain into a chronic one because the brain will keep manufacturing a reason to keep getting the drug. There is no justification, none, to keep getting people hooked up on this shit to keep drug companies making blood money from the suffering of these poor addicts.

Infant Care

Taking care of Klara turned out to be the second most enjoyable activity I’ve ever participated in. The first being spending time with N, obviously. I like it more than traveling in Europe because I always overspend and feel guilty. And more than going to the beach because I always get sunburn. And even more than spending time with my sister because she’s never as deliriously happy every time she sees me as Klara is. Which is a good thing because it would be disturbing if it were otherwise. Of course, I never tried spending time with my sister on a European beach. That might be a close competitor for the very enjoyable infant care.

Please take into account, however, that I’m particularly well-suited for infant care by virtue of my personal history. Until 2 years ago, I didn’t drive and was always stuck at home. So I don’t feel the panic of, “OMG, I can’t just pick up and go to the movies whenever I feel like it any more!” because I never could. So it’s nothing new.

I don’t mind being stuck at home because that’s where I do my best work. I don’t feel lonely, I very rarely miss the company of other adults, I don’t mind sleep deprivation, I’m not stressed out by baby screams – I’m ideally suited to taking care of a baby.

Still Misunderstood

I really detest the image of me that Facebook is creating. First, I was offered some idiotic Russian paraphernalia to express my love of Putin, and now I’m given this thing:


What in my life journey could have given one the idea that I’m aware of this Prince fellow or that I wear T-shirts, let alone vulgar T-shirts with writing on them. Jeez. And that’s a place I’m supposed to get my news from? 

I’m having a massive attack of snobbishness. 

For the Children

One of the best things parents can do for children of all ages is to have an intense and fulfilling personal life. In the absence of such a life, a parent can very easily slip into using an infant to service her emotional and tactile needs, formatting a teenager right into a depression, and weighing down an adult child into a life of thwarted losership.

The Dysfunction of the Democrats

In the meantime, the North Carolina legislature is about to pass a bill to destroy 5 of the state’s public universities, four of which are historically black colleges. Where exactly is Obama with his edicts and Loretta Lynch with her moaning about bills that are “just like” Jim Crow? Or has all of their energy been wasted on managing how people pee?