More on What the Dems Need to Do

The only places where the Democrats were very successful in this election cycle are the ones where unions did an enormous amount of work, organizing and getting out the vote. The Dem leadership should ditch its entire GOTV operation, get rid of everything and everybody involved, and invite young union organizers to mount a completely new system from the ground up. There is very little time left before the 2018 election. This needs to be done now. Plus, the organizers of Bernie’s campaign should be brought in to share their expertise because their campaign was fantastic. In most cases, they were these very same union people, so that won’t be too hard.

14 thoughts on “More on What the Dems Need to Do

  1. I read a comment on Freethoought blogs a couple of weeks ago from a long-time volunteer. He basically said the following: by far the most effective way to affect someone’s opinion or get people out to vote is the ground operation, energetic volunteers going door to door. The second most effective way is placing ads in yards, and placement of yard signs in the yard of a person who has a lot of clout in the neighborhood does wonders. Both of these are highly effective but require local people who know the communities. By far the least effective and the most costly are TV ads and there is rampant abuse: campaign advisors pushing TV ads get a kickback from TV stations, yet TV ads are ridiculosluy expensive but very ineffective. So the poor candidates end up campaigning for money so they would pay for hugely ineffective TV-ad-centered campaigns.

    No wonder things go to shit.


  2. The Democrats abandoned and betrayed the working class. Ditch the ideology and do whatever it takes to get people working again.


  3. I’m completely behind the idea that the democratic leadership is obsolete and out of touch. But it’s still very early days after the election so don’t be surprise at the “we didn’t do anything wrong, it’s the voters’ fault” rhetoric.

    If there aren’t signs of real change after about six months – that’s the time to get upset before a democratic equivalent of Trump (just as bad in a different direction, which is a little of how I thought of Sanders) makes things worse.


    1. The leadership at the DNC was a boondoggle. I can’t tell you how many times my mother called me up to yell about how some Democratic party surrogate was fucking up on tv. Chelsea Clinton was a “dud”.
      She kept saying she wished she had a twitter account to personally yell at leadership.


    1. Except for the part about “the DNC engineering her victory over Bernie Sanders”, it’s a good article. I agree that this kind of rhetoric is a road to nowhere.


  4. \ SB: Ivanka Trump sat in on her father’s meeting today with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, per handout photo

    \ Clarissa: Christ Lord. American democracy has gone to the dogs.

    Look at this:

    Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of President-elect Donald J. Trump, has spoken to a lawyer about the possibility of joining the new administration

    Mr. Trump is urging his son-in-law to join him in the White House, according to one of the people briefed.

    Mr. Kushner is a real estate mogul in his own right who, like Mr. Trump, runs a company founded by his father. His influence extends to the news media: He owns The New York Observer. And his family’s wealth rivals that of the Trump clan, which he joined in 2009 when he married Ivanka.

    Mr. Kushner has consulted with at least one lawyer and believes that by forgoing a salary and putting his investment fund, his real estate holdings and The New York Observer into a blind trust, he would not be bound by federal nepotism rules, according to one of the people briefed.


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