Too Freudian

So the MRA mass murderer killed women and Asians and his mother is Asian? And that’s the same mother who was callous enough to call the county mental health hotline when her son posted videos threatening to kill women?

This all is getting way too Freudian even for me. Has anybody checked to see if this whole story hasn’t been sponsored by the Association of American Psychoanalysts?

58 thoughts on “Too Freudian

  1. Callous enough to call the county mental health hotline? Should she have done nothing in your eyes? Her son did commit the shooting. She was afraid of that, and at such stage calling for help is a right thing.


    1. Should have done more. What she could legally do, though, is in question since he was 22. Mental health hotline may have been only option although the home check was apparently not done very well.


    2. These are very rich people. The fact that she used the extremely limited resources of a state that is broke is screaming, “I don’t care!!!” These people could afford to resuscitate Freud himself and bring him in to treat their son. They could have hired a small army to keep him locked in. But this woman called a county hotline???? I’m sure she spends a fortune on her cat or dog but doing something for her own son is impossible? He has to be palmed off on the state?


        1. When i was raising a teenager – and I had barely any money, by the way – if I had found out that she made this kind of videos, I would have been at her side 24-7, I would have gotten her to talk, I would have sold myself into slavery and hired the entire Psychoanalytical Association of Quebec to treat me and to find out what the hell was so wrong with me that this was possible.

          One thing I wouldn’t do would be to pretend that this can be solved by a county hotline.


          1. He should run as far away from this mother as possible and get treatment. But only after putting a great distance between her and himself.


            1. The most messed up people I knew where children of a famous and very expensive child psychologist. She was trying out her theories on them. The eldest became a heroin addict. The middle one an alcoholic. The youngest attempted suicide twice.


              1. // She was trying out her theories on them.

                Which theories? How to raise children or how to solve already appearing problems?


              2. Both, I guess. They were case studies she actually used for her research.

                Of course, the most damaged people are the children of teachers and doctors, that’s something that every psychologist knows. 🙂

                These people’s father was a college professor. 🙂


      1. “The most messed up people I knew where children of a…child psychologist.”

        Yeah, my experience also. Yes, my sample is small, n=2, but damn those poor kids suffered, and one still does.


      2. It is one thing what you can do when they are 8 and another when they are 22. Locking in would be kidnapping which is a felony. Speaking as one who has tried to intervene in lives of adults who were in danger or dangerous I can say with certainty: unless the person wants your help, county may be the only one allowed to intervene. Not that they do much, but still. What you can do also varies by state. In Louisiana you can do more than in CA, for example. Now, I am sure the parents also sent the I don’t care message, and did it early and often, as well.


        1. “Locking in would be kidnapping which is a felony.”

          – And still a lesser tragedy than 6 dead people.

          “Speaking as one who has tried to intervene in lives of adults who were in danger or dangerous I can say with certainty: unless the person wants your help, county may be the only one allowed to intervene.”

          – Of course, absolutely. However, if a mother of a 22-year-old finds his Youtube videos, that can only mean he wanted her to see them. What 22-year-old doesn’t know how to conceal his online activities from his parents?


    3. Everybody is blaming these miserable overextended police officers now. Because apparently they owe more to these multi-millionaires than they owe to themselves.


      1. They were probably given very specific advice by the parents, to investigate very gently without causing him anxiety or alarm. So, because it was very powerful people instructing them, they did what all authoritarians do and followed orders. Had they conducted a search, especially without a warrant, their actions would have been out of place.


      2. Well, supposedly somebody has to be blamed, hell, you desperately needed to blame the MRA ;-D The kid had therapy since he was eight, and often with multiple therapists. Anybody reading his writing senses something sick, something wrong, something missing.


        1. The parents who send an 8- year-old to a therapist because they are too lazy to realize that his problems at the age can only be solved through solving their psychological issues deserve no compassion.


      3. Hmmm, if the kid’s sister and brother were psychosexually functional, so maybe we should not be looking at environmental/cultural problem, rather perhaps something was really wrong with the kid himself mentally? Maybe a piece of him was literally missing, perhaps he was closeted.


        1. It is obvious that his callous parents messed him every way until the Moon and back. However, the number of people who have this kind of trauma is overwhelming. Yet only a few make a choice to kill people. He was an adult and he is responsible for his crimes.

          Of course, if the story about the videos is true, there is criminal disregard on the part of the parents.


      4. bg said:

        “Well, supposedly somebody has to be blamed, hell, you desperately needed to blame the MRA ;-D The kid had therapy since he was eight, and often with multiple therapists. Anybody reading his writing senses something sick, something wrong, something missing.”

        Being wrenched from one’s country of origin is never good for you. It’s what shamanism recognises, that contemporary psychology does not. To lose your original environment, where you were happy, is a tragic loss. It is worse if you are not prepared for that, if you have gained deep psychological attunement to that, and if you lose it suddenly.

        We do end up with missing parts and the shamanic term is “soul loss”.


        1. When you lose the original environment where you were not happy is still very traumatic. A psychologist who doesn’t see emigration as a deep trauma is a quack.


              1. He was in the UK, in London, I think, and he was very happy and then he was ripped away from there without any say. He seems to have been someone with an acute sensitivity to environments (like me). In one of the videos he shows the local wilderness area where he lived in the US and expressed his sense of its beauty (whilst lamenting that he didn’t have a woman to share it with).


              2. or even adolescents. And adults, too, if they are of a certain type, may develop deep attachments to the environment. In a sense they are really part of that original environment, and when you rip them out, you rip out part of their soul.


              3. With adolescents this can be particularly bad because they are at the stage of forming their identity and suddenly it all collapses and they have to start building on a different foundation.

                When I moved to US from Canada, I was deeply depressed for years because the environment was so alien. And I was 27 when I moved. So I can appreciate very well how severe this can be.


              4. Right. I was 15, and had just begun to understand what was expected of me as an adult in rural Africa and suddenly I had to adjust to being an adult in the suburban industrialized world — and everyone kept telling me it was “the same” and to stop complaining!


              5. Yeah, but it is the ideology of the universal soul, which apparently you carry with you anywhere, as a total personality, already formed in isolated from its circumstances — an enclosed entity, nothing organic.

                A totally incorrect paradigm rather than a leap in logic.


              6. “Yeah, but it is the ideology of the universal soul, which apparently you carry with you anywhere, as a total personality, already formed in isolated from its circumstances — an enclosed entity, nothing organic.”

                – Gosh, I thought this idea has been dead for at least half a century. Yet it keeps rearing its ugly head.


      5. musteryou

        Yeah, it isn’t easy. We tried to salvage several kids amongst our extended family, sometimes it worked.


        1. If your kid posted such videos, would you just call a state hotline and forget all about it? I can’t even imagine a person who would do that.


      6. musteryou

        Yeah, my wife moved many thousands of miles, and I believe, at least one generation, to love me. She was looking for something that she needed, and I am thankful for that ;-D.


      7. Clarissa

        Of course, it is a normal response. All humans protect the weak, it is instinct. Your Mom did that, it is your first human bond ;-D


        1. Human beings have broken free from instincts a very long time ago. Most infants die at the hands of their parents. And every single person who is in psychotherapy discusses the damage inflicted by his or her parents. So let’s not romanticize either instincts or parenthood.


        1. This is what always happens, the moment we start having an interesting discussion, you trot out some really tired old platitude, and the discussion ends.


      8. Both of us are human beings. Each of us was born because of the sacrifices of their respective mother. Neither of us would even have existed otherwise. Now grab some bloody reality.


  2. There’s an ideal, among the new ideologues, to have a very square masculine jaw and to look caucasion, or otherwise you are not considered masculine enough according to their ideas, and so you lose social status. It’s a weird concoction of evolutionary psychology and homegrown brew.


  3. I think you mean “NRA” the National Rifle Association.  I do not think you can blame this on them.  His first three victims were killed with a machete.  This “boy” had major psychological problems.  I am a member of the NRA.


    1. Everybody is a member of the NRA where I live and none if them would harm a fly. 🙂 This issue is a lot lot deeper than the NRA, and I wouldn’t bring it into this discussion at all.


      1. “Everybody is a member of the NRA where I live and none if them would harm a fly. 🙂 This issue is a lot lot deeper than the NRA, and I wouldn’t bring it into this discussion at all.”

        Neither is he an “MRA”; refer to Erin Pizzey and Karen Straughen for actual examples.


        1. As I said many times before, I have followed over a dozen MRA blogs and websites for years, talked to the members of the MRA groups at length, and I know for a fact that everything Rodger said in his video is textbook MRA propaganda.


      2. Apologies, I didn’t catch any mention of MRAs in the comment threads. What blogs are you talking about?


        1. I’m talking about MRA blogs. How is that not clear from my comment and how do you justify spamming this thread? Have you read the post? Have you grasped what the post is about? Do you have anything to say about the topic of the post?


  4. Clarissa, no one on my blog has justified Rodger’s actions.

    As for your original post, I when I found the race of the three men Rodger stabbed and mutilated, I assumed that he killed them precisely because they reminded Rodger of himself. I also think this is why his spree ended with so few causalities. Stabbing is a very personal act of violence. Usually the victims are those who the killer has a problem with or the represent those the killer has a problem with. I think Rodger burnt out much of his rage on those three men, and then haphazardly went about the rest of his plan.


    1. In case you are not aware, this comment you just left is nothing but making excuses for a mass murderer. Of course, I’m sure in your mind, the comment is nothing of the kind because you are too immersed in this mentality.


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