65 thoughts on “Photo

      1. Yes, thank you for marginalizing me based on your assumption that I am single. You sure are not a bigot at all, no siree! I am not single, but who cares? Either way, you are a hateful women-hater, and I’m not, so even if I was single, I’d still be objectively better than you.


        1. “Yes, thank you for marginalizing me based on your assumption that I am single. ”

          – Oh no, I don’t think you are single at all. This degree of dislike for women and female sexuality can only be the result of living with some woman who is as frigid as a door knob.

          “Either way, you are a hateful women-hater, and I’m not, so even if I was single, I’d still be objectively better than you.”

          – This tantrum isn’t cute coming from a middle-aged sex-deprived paunchy gentleman like you.


  1. Oh dear. Did the “Porn Generation” injure themselves? I hope it wasn’t related to their supposed favorite activity!


  2. Too funny. I wonder how many people showed up? Nine? Maybe they held it at the exact same time as I was watching John Waters’ film, A Dirty Shame – The Neuter Edition. Highly funny if you are in the mood for silly slapstick (hey, it’s a John Waters movie!).

    Some caveman must have drawn one of the famous chalk figures or sculpted a woman figure out of bone – “I met this woman across the mountain ridge – her ta-tas were THIS big (gesturing at drawing or sculpture). And, I got lucky!”

    The Priory is an exclusive Catholic boy’s prep school, and they have a really neat chapel that is often rented out for musical performances, mostly choral groups.


  3. “Ah, I knew the catholic upbringing would come out eventually.”

    No, the catholic upbringing is anti-sex. This is a pro-sex statement from my part.

    So how porn is good for sex?


    1. There are many kinds of porn, including the kind that is made for women and by women. There are no dominated men-serving sluts there. But there are sometimes dominated women-serving male sluts. 🙂 🙂 Also, many women enjoy the kind of porn where no other women are present at all. Many other women enjoy porn where there are no men present. And then there are all those folks who enjoy porn where neither men nor women are present.

      Human experience is large and varied, my friend. 🙂


      1. Porn for women is very anecdotical. I’m not against gay porn per se though.

        “Many other women enjoy porn where there are no men present.”

        This is not because no men are present that the same male supremacist domination does not occur.

        “And then there are all those folks who enjoy porn where neither men nor women are present.”

        What are you talking about? Animals?


        1. “Porn for women is very anecdotical. ”

          – I believe that you need to believe that. 🙂

          “This is not because no men are present that the same male supremacist domination does not occur.”

          – 🙂 🙂 🙂 This is the joke of the week. 🙂 My friend, your need to believe that domination is a purely male thing is a lot more sexist than any porn I have ever seen anywhere. And I have seen a lot.

          “What are you talking about? Animals?”

          – Maybe this is not your topic if you don’t know of the hottest porn genres of the day.


  4. “Maybe this is not your topic if you don’t know of the hottest porn genres of the day.”

    Sex toys?

    Even though porn for women is more current right now (and this is not a good thing because this is detrimental to male sex: the same thing could be considered with gay men and gay porn: at least thoso form of porn are not hetero-male-centric), this is still anecdotical. Women who loves porn for men are even more anecdotical. When people talk about porn, they talk about porn for heterosexual male.

    Domination is mainly (except in BDSM circles (and this ia a male-centric form of prostitution) and matriarchical aboriginal societies) a male thing, not purely. Where’s the women version of Todd Akin? (and don’t mention Michelle Bachmann who is a pro-patriarchy cunt)

    The vast majority of so-called lesbian porn is for men.

    Let me be clear though, I’m against RadFem statist who want to ban all of this with the cops mob.


    1. “When people talk about porn, they talk about porn for heterosexual male.”

      – Are you suggesting I’m not a person? 🙂 🙂

      “Domination is mainly (except in BDSM circles (and this ia a male-centric form of prostitution) and matriarchical aboriginal societies) a male thing, not purely.”

      – This is a perfect example of religious thinking.


      1. “Are you suggesting I’m not a person?”

        No, just that you don’t talk about usual male-centric porn when you talk about porn.

        The religious thinking is that anti-sex faggot men SHOULD dominate women to repress women’s sexual desires. The feminist thinking is that, even if we’re in an improvement process, we still live in a male surpremacy and that domination is mainly (not only) a male thing IN THE REAL LIFE (not in your academic la-la land nor in my social circle la-la land), unfortunately.


        1. Sexual gratification is a value in itself. The idea that an orgasm needs to be “justified” (either through creating a baby or through upholding some ideology) is deeply religious in nature.


  5. “Domination in real life and domination in sexual fantasies, activities, films and books are not in any way connected.”

    Women working in the porn industry are real people, not sexual fantasies. Male-centric depiction of sex without any consideration for women desires is not a sexual fantasy.


    1. “Women working in the porn industry are real people, not sexual fantasies.”

      – I’m not Spanish literature. Which does not prevent me from teaching Spanish literature and being a person at the same time.

      “Male-centric depiction of sex without any consideration for women desires is not a sexual fantasy.”

      – You cannot be serious. This actually is a sexual fantasy for many men and women. And it is absolutely none of your business to judge their fantasy and consider it worse than yours. What are you, mind police? Jeez. . .


      1. “I’m not Spanish literature. Which does not prevent me from teaching Spanish literature and being a person at the same time.”

        No problem with that.

        “This actually is a sexual fantasy for many men and women”

        For many men and some women. But this is not because this is a sexual fantasy for some (or even many) women that depicting that all women should have this fantasy to be a good slut is a good thing.

        “If it bothers you that people have sex in ways you don’t approve, that’s religious thinking.”

        I don’t talk about sex, I talk about porn. Religious thinking is anti-sex, feminist thinking is pro-sex.


        1. “But this is not because this is a sexual fantasy for some (or even many) women that depicting that all women should have this fantasy to be a good slut is a good thing.”

          – It’s not your place to judge. And talking of what fantasies people should or should not have is useless because it isn’t something one can control with the force of will.


      1. Except for you, of course. You are pro-pornography, and a large percentage of prostitutes have been coerced into making pornography, therefore you are pro-rape. It’s not a hard argument to understand. Of course, I don’t expect you to understand it.

        Let me explain the “purpose” of me coming here and David’s posts. I don’t know why David posts here (you certainly aren’t worth anyone’s serious time), but when he links to one of my entries, I get a hit or two from it. Then I remember that people like you exist, and I come to these threads to see what hateful bigotry you’ve been spewing, and provide a counter-point to it.

        Bigots like you do not deserve to be treated like normal people. You only deserve to be exposed and ridiculed. That’s what I’m here for. You are, to be nice about it, scum.


      1. “The term “voluntary” is weaker than the term “consensual.” What is consensual is necessarily voluntary, but what is voluntary is not necessarily consensual. For a person to perform a voluntary choice only requires acceptance on the part of the person, but for a person to perform a consensual choice requires a viable possibility of refusal. This means that the concept of consent includes consideration of structural issues (such as whether a viable alternative exists) which are not part of voluntariness.”


        “The upshot of all this is that a totalizing system like capital-democracy, or capitalism or democracy alone, precludes the possibility of consent. The same can be applied to any totalizing system whatsoever, since by definition totalizing systems does not accept, or permit the rise of, viable alternatives. Therefore, any such system, or any part of such a system, may be “voluntary,” but it cannot be consensual.”

        The voluntaryist delusion.

        The same thing could be apply to prostitution and porn (and the major part of the working market but not Spanish teaching, in fact) without banning those with the cops mob. Women (even men) often accept voluntary to work for the prostitution market, the porn market and many other jobs, but they rarely consent to do that.


  6. “And talking of what fantasies people should or should not have is useless because it isn’t something one can control with the force of will.”

    I didn’t talk about that sexual fantasies people should not have, I talked about male sexual fantasies that many women don’t want to do.


    1. ” I talked about male sexual fantasies that many women don’t want to do.”

      – If they don’t want to participate, they definitely shouldn’t. Isn’t it preferable that a man who can’t find a woman to share his fantasy should go read a porn story, watch a porn cartoon or a scene and get off without inflicting his desires on unwilling women? Everybody wins as a result. Where is the harm?


  7. @François and Clarissa

    I think both of you personalize this debate too much.

    “Isn’t it preferable that a man who can’t find a woman to share his fantasy should go read a porn story, watch a porn cartoon or a scene and get off without inflicting his desires on unwilling women?”

    I have the same answer than you to that question. But It’s even more preferable that women would not be obligated financially to work for the porn industry. Those women are the (unwilling) losers.


    1. ” But It’s even more preferable that women would not be obligated financially to work for the porn industry. ”

      – Why just women? Do you know what men who star in porn flicks have to do? They make cuts at the base of the penis and rub drugs into the wounds to maintain an erection.

      However, working in the porn industry doesn’t solely mean starring in films. It also means drawing cartoons, writing stories, etc. What’s the harm in that?


      1. Yeah, the same thing applies in part for men, and therefore, this is still a problem.

        “It also means drawing cartoons, writing stories, etc. What’s the harm in that?”

        I agree that there are way less harm in that kind of porn. For example, Anne Archet (probably the greatest French language anarchist blogger) wrote so many marvelous erotics essays in French and this is way not comparable to mainstream porn!


        1. “For example, Anne Archet (probably the greatest French language anarchist blogger) wrote so many marvelous erotics essays in French and this is way not comparable to mainstream porn!”

          – You see? The problem is not the genre itself.


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