6 thoughts on “Questions

  1. “Is it true that the US can’t even really withdraw until the end of Trump’s term?”

    Another nonsense article — how do you manage to keep finding them? The Paris Accords are a non-binding, voluntary “agreement” that neither the U.S. — nor any other nation — is obligated to follow. Trump didn’t even have to officially state that we’re “withdrawing.” He could simply have issued executive orders instructing U.S. companies to disregard the agreement’s restrictions.

    “Is Trump making a hoopla out of this to mask an utter lack of accomplishments and a failure to carry out any of his campaign promises?”

    Yes. This is one campaign promise that’s he’s actually keeping, and it was a smart move for him politically. It will make his base supporters very happy, and it couldn’t possibly make his domestic or international detractors hate him any more than they already do.

    Hillary should send him a thank-you note.Trump’s actions diverted attention from her latest pathetic speech about how it’s everybody’s fault but hers that she blew the election seven long months ago.

    And don’t worry. Trump’s “withdrawal” won’t raise the earth’s temperature by even 1/1ooth of a degree Celsius.



  2. Here is the full text of the Agreement:

    Click to access paris_agreement_english_.pdf

    See Article 28 for the specifications on withdrawing:

    At any time after three years from the date on which this Agreement has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from this Agreement by giving written notification to the Depositary.
    Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of withdrawal.
    Any Party that withdraws from the Convention shall be considered as also having withdrawn from this Agreement.

    This effectually means that noone can withdraw before 3 years after 4 November 2016 (when the agreement started), and after that, another year is needed for the withdrawal to be valid. Which is effectually in Nov 2020.


  3. Israel pledges not to follow Trump’s Paris Agreement exit

    Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin rejects assumption that Israel will change its stance following Trump’s announcement to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, insisting that Israel ‘is not an American colony’; says just as Trump was elected to represent Detroit, ‘we were elected to represent Jerusalem.’



    1. It looks like the Paris Accords will only win from the US withdrawal because everybody is very motivated to fulfill it now just to stick it to Trump.


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