Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion

A very insightful post on why some women distance themselves from other representatives of their gender and the price they pay for it.

If you only very vaguely heard of the conflict between the Koch brothers and the Cato Institute, here is a very good explanation of what is happening from a blogger who actually knows about this stuff.

International Women’s day: A Purim story.

If people realized that Russia is not a passive agent of the US actions, they would not have to write stupid and long-winded posts like this one on how the US was to blame for the plummeting of the relations between Russian and the US. Russia is a big, powerful and rich country that has an internal need for the animosity towards the US. This need does not depend on the actions of the US. It’s just there. Seriously, folks, hasn’t time come to realize that not everything that happens in the universe is either the achievement or the fault of the Americans?

A brilliant, incredibly creative post on women’s rights. Do take a look because it rocks.

How one brilliant teacher saved her career by blogging.

Can a nuclear attack on Israel be compared legitimately with the Holocaust?

Will US sanctions deter Iran from its project of getting nuclear weapons? This blogger says not likely, and I tend to agree.

Yet another ad campaign that presents fathers as inept and helpless.

More baby turtles! God, I love this blog.

It’s very funny to see how a person struggles with his overwhelming sexual loneliness and then starts zombifying himself with silly phrases like “Women are different from us. We cannot interact with them as if they are the same as us” that guarantee he will live a completely lonely and pathetic existence forever. Remember, folks, “men / women are different and incomprehensible” is a ticket to loneliness. Of course, the rest of the post is even more pathetic. I have to ask, did such people’s parents not try to socialize them at all?

Why didn’t menstrual synchronicity evolve out of existence? I never thought about this but the topic is fascinating. What do you think?

And the title of the stupidest post of the week goes to the unintelligent defender of inarticulate ramblings who came up with the following gem: “For the conservatively inclined there is no need to justify that loyalty is good, cheating is wrong, being kind is better than being cruel, and that killing infants is murder.” This weird freakish creature has still not figured out that the progressively inclined not only hold these very beliefs but also actually do something to uphold them.

8 thoughts on “Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion

  1. That post on “I’m not one of those girls” really rang true for me. I used to do it as well, and apparently there is a name for it: “Treehouse climbing”, called so because girls who do it metaphorically climb on top of other girls (and put their feet in other girls’ faces on the way) to get themselves on the ladder up to some sort of highly coveted “all boy’s club”.


  2. Sexual loneliness? Nope, I’m in a live-in relationship.

    You clearly didn’t understand what I was saying. I absolutely did not say women are “incomprehensible.” My point was that the guys in question (MRAs) need to understand them, and that starts with acknowledging they are different from men. Specifically here I was saying their attraction mechanisms work differently.

    If you don’t understand this it makes me wonder if it was you who was deprived of socialization. You really do come off like everything you’ve learned about people has come from sociology and cultural studies textbooks based on 1960s psychology.


    1. “Sexual loneliness? Nope, I’m in a live-in relationship.”

      – The number of people living in one’s house is completely beyond the point.

      ” My point was that the guys in question (MRAs) need to understand them, and that starts with acknowledging they are different from men. ”

      – And “acknowledging they are different from men” is precisely the central characteristic of a person who is a complete and utter failure sexually and romantically. “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” is a mantra of such failures of both genders. You didn’t know that?

      ” My point was that the guys in question (MRAs) need to understand them”

      – You cannot understand “them” because all women (and all men) are different. You cannot understand 3,5 billion people. Concentrate on understanding one or two. To do so, you will need to stop looking for the characteristics of “all women” (all men) and just concentrate on these specific human beings.

      “If you don’t understand this it makes me wonder if it was you who was deprived of socialization. You really do come off like everything you’ve learned about people has come from sociology and cultural studies textbooks based on 1960s psychology.”

      – A meaningless jumble of strange, unconnected words.


      1. My “socialization” as you term it was largely embodied in both of my parents separately making sure I knew that I must keep my hands to myself when I was with a female. I was told firmly and repeatedly that a girl did not appreciate it when they went out somewhere with a boy and he kept wanting to touch them. My father explicitly said: “Women do not enjoy sexual relations the way men do; they get their satisfaction from having a home and a family. So remember this and don’t touch a girl until you are married to her.”

        This was overwhelmingly difficult, so I mostly did not try to date at all.

        I have no idea how prevalent this indoctrination was for boys when I was growing up; it never occurred to me that other parents might feel differently until I was an adult.


        1. “My father explicitly said: “Women do not enjoy sexual relations the way men do; they get their satisfaction from having a home and a family.”

          – Mine just told me (many many times): “Sex is something that only dirty disgusting creatures like men want. Women are clean wonderful beings who don’t need all this disgusting stuff.”


  3. I did not understand the post on “women are different” at all. What on Earth was it about.

    I do not believe that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. They have more sense than that. They are the one country in the world who would likely be the target of an all-out attack if they did so. All the by the U. S. and Israel and some Arab countries has some other purpose; I am not sure what it is.


    1. “I did not understand the post on “women are different” at all. What on Earth was it about.”

      – I didn’t get it either. But there are so many posts like this I see from men and women that it has become a phenomenon in its own right.

      ‘I do not believe that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. ”

      – I kind of think they have nuclear weapons already. They were trying to buy the technology from Ukraine in 1996-1997 for sure.


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