Dems X Themselves Out

Well, since gas prices are record low, the world is at peace, and there’s no inflation or other serious problems, we can clown around with this type of inane posing. Oh, wait.

These people are so getting clobbered in November.

14 thoughts on “Dems X Themselves Out

  1. “Well, since gas prices are record low, the world is at peace, and there’s no inflation or other serious problems, we can clown around with this type of inane posing.”

    Clarissa, the concise irony in your well-constructed single sentence is impressive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get upset every time I buy groceries or gas. And I get even more upset when these absolute clowns blame their mismanagement of the economy on the war in Ukraine. As if we were so stupid that we didn’t remember that the prices began to soar months before the war.


      1. Is the inflation really due to the Biden administration though? I wonder personally if it is more just to do with the large infusions of money the government had to do during the pandemic to help people due to their jobs being shut down. You do such infusions enough, it will cause inflation.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Absolutely. It’s the pandemic stimulus payments. It’s kind of sad that people are so ignorant that they didn’t understand how expensive this particular form of entertainment will be for all of us.

          But Biden will end up paying for it because the public blames problems on whoever is in power at the moment.


  2. When I look at that tweet and everything below it what I see are a lot of delusional people and that makes me very afraid. There is no common ground between the vision of the left and the principles of our founding.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “no common ground between the vision of the left and the principles of our founding”

      I think that’s the idea, they’re against the founding and want to undo it… and replace it with their new improved model…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Нужна ваша помощь. Потратьте, пожалуйста, пару минут на регистрацию и подписание официальной петиции в Бундестаг о признании действий РФ в Украине геноцидом. Нужно быстро собрать 50.000 подписей для запуска официальных слушаний.

    Почему это важно?

    Оказывается дополнительное давление на правительства при принятии решений по Украине. Речь должна идти не о каком-то «украинском кризисе» или «российско-украинском конфликте».


  4. \ But Biden will end up paying for it because the public blames problems on whoever is in power at the moment.

    Cannot Biden explain what’s going on?

    Btw, the following is very funny in a twisted, dark way:

    Чорнобелівська премія Дарвіна
    Anatolii Matiakh
    Що робили московити біля ЧАЕС і як це вплинуло на хід війни. Побіжний звіт про дослідження без уточнюючої інформації.

    “Лагерь Рыжий Лис”
    Наступ на Київ з перетином українського кордону розпочався не 24 лютого 2022 року, як ми вже звикли вважати, а ще днем-двома раніше. Поки ми пили каву, і гадки не маючи про вторгнення, орки вже перейшли кордон і почали стягувати війська до ЧАЕС. Ми не “проспали” це: таке “попередження” допомогло нам врятувати ППО та авіацію.


    1. Of course, the Biden administration should be working on both the narrative and counteracting the effects of the inflation. Instead, they are fussing out with Xs in passports like the useless poseurs that they are. It’s beyond self-defeating.


      1. Countering inflation, unfortunately, can be difficult. You often have to reduce the money supply, which means raising interest rates, which means hurting the economy. For example, from 1981-1982, under Ronald Reagan, to kill the double-digit inflation that was occurring, the Federal Reserve had to raise interest rates very high. This is very politically challenging, because the economy tanks severely (it went into the worst recession since the Great Depression at the time) and the politicians thus raise hell. Now “officially,” the Federal Reserve is “independent but accountable” to the Congress as you do not want Congress controlling the money supply, but that only goes so far if Fed policy starts hurting the economy. Under Reagan, legislation was introduced to force the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rates and both Reagan and the Fed were hammered politically.

        As it was, Reagan protected the Fed and took the brunt of the political onslaught, which allowed then Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to keep interest rates high enough for long enough to help kill the inflation. The overall Reagan economy also benefited from the Reagan deregulation and tax cuts, as by helping free up the economy more, more goods and services began being produced for each dollar of money in the economy, so that also helped bring down the inflation.

        I would say though that Biden’s current policies of wanting to spend more on a giant stimulus, seeking to regulate and tax more, and restricting our energy industry, all are not at all helpful.

        Liked by 1 person

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