There Are No Culture Wars

Translation: London is about to become even more uncomfortable to live because there will be more austerity, more crime, less public services, less affordable housing, more trash in the streets, and less governance.

There’s absolutely no other reason to release this stream of “inclusive” verbiage than to hide a fresh dose of neoliberalism. People either think this guy is on their side and don’t suspect him of anything or they get distracted by a discussion of how non-binary is a stupid word (which it is). But nobody talks about the economic aspect of his con.

We have to retrain our brains into looking for the hidden austerity measures the second we hear the words “non-binary, equity, Latinx, etc.” This is all purely, nakedly economic.

There are no culture wars. There’s a class war. And we are losing it because we haven’t shown up at the battlefield.

7 thoughts on “There Are No Culture Wars

  1. “There are no culture wars. There’s a class war. And we are losing it because we haven’t shown up at the battlefield.”

    We actually did show up for the fight, just for the wrong side. Vilifying the unvaccinated, screaming for harsher lock downs, advocating for endless masking and closed schools, etc, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Vilifying the unvaccinated, screaming for harsher lock downs, advocating for endless masking and closed schools …”

      It’s true, but don’t believe the opposition did nothing but sit back, take it, and perhaps arrange for their kids to be homeschooled.

      So don’t mistake that for inactivity.

      Understand that there are some people who look forward to austerity because it helps them figure out who’s going to be a burden or a help in future bad situations.

      It’s this funny thing when the notional “elites” plan for it believing that people will fall for more centralisation of their needs and socialism through the back door when they’re better off leaning toward the anarchists.

      And so to parallel “more austerity, more crime, less public services, less affordable housing, more trash in the streets, and less governance”: more local production, more shooting people who need shooting, fewer government gimme-datz, fewer big REITs rigging the rental market, more varmints on skewers who tried to eat the trash, and a lot more System D instead of Circle D.

      Looking forward to it! 🙂


      1. Yeah, people have been quiet, but I think they’ve been paying attention, and doing stuff. They’re maybe just not the loudest people on the internet right now.

        Have you seen the gun sales numbers? The number of people moving out of NY and CA in the last two years? My realtor says most of the calls she’s fielding have been from people in Colorado and California.

        I’ve lost track of the number of new people at our church (ourselves included) who are there because our church was open when the church they’d ordinarily attend wasn’t. They seem to be there for the long haul.

        The number of homeschoolers has more than doubled over the last two years, and not showing any signs of shrinking again, now that schools are open. Small private schools and co-ops have been growing and multiplying like rabbits.

        There’s been a huge human sorting and re-shuffling going on that nobody’s really talking about. I don’t think anyone quite knows the implications yet, but I think we’ll find out over the next few years.

        And yeah, we’ve all identified the people in our lives who are good in a crisis, and the ones who will definitely be SS informants, if things head further south. It wasn’t all the people that we thought it would be, but now we know, and we never talk about anything but the weather with them anymore.


        1. The migration of people to more desirable land is definitely a big issue. Galeev has been pointing out the Russian population moving to the southwest, which is understandable given that Russia is mostly a frozen wasteland. I wonder if the current war is just Putin trying to obtain better lebensraum for his people.


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