Stupid Anti-Woman Rantings in the NYTimes

The New York Times, the haven of the congenitally stupid:

Somehow, motherhood had slyly changed us. We went from basking in the rights that feminism had afforded us to silently pledging never to exercise them. Nice mommies don’t talk about abortion — it is relegated to the dark and dirty corners of our conscious, only to emerge favorably in the voting booth. Yes, we believe in a woman’s right to choose. No, we don’t actually believe she should use it in the face of women choosing to have their children. This is the feminist mother’s greatest taboo.

I have no idea why people publish this garbage when everybody knows that the absolute majority of abortions is sought by women who already have children. Of course, it’s easier to find some half-assed justification for being a lousy friend and a worthless human being that to recognize that your boring judgmentalism is evidence of how deeply miserable you are with your own life. I  only wonder why the NYTimes thinks it necessary to expose its readers to the rantings of such stupid and uninsightful people.

What is especially cute is how this brainless idiot slips into the royal “we” when discussing her own incapacity of being a good friend. Somehow this all becomes about feminism and abortion rights when the real issue is the author’s personal misery that makes her want to judge people all day long.

It is only too often that people try to hide their personal issues behind the veneer of politics.

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