We Could Have Defeated Them So Easily!

If Sendgrid is already sending people to a single (as far as I know) blogger who denounces them for unfair hiring practices (see the comment section of my very first post on the subject), then imagine how easily we could have collectively defended the people involved in the Dongle-gate and shown these companies their place.

This precious opportunity to defend the rights of every single one of us to speak freely in person and online has been squandered by every idiot blogger and Facebooker who has started fanning the flames of gender wars in response to Dongle-gate. We could have unleashed the fury of bloggers and social networkers on these companies and bent them over our collective knee within a day. They are pissing themselves in fear already.

When will people finally start getting over the “Girls have cooties! – No, boys have cooties!” mentality and get smart?

9 thoughts on “We Could Have Defeated Them So Easily!

  1. It’s the consumerist mentality again, which leads to this. People aim for personal, short-term gain, with the smallest expenditure, rather than looking at the issue in a long-term frame. Ego benefits by proclaiming one’s gender the best, and always right. It doesn’t matter how that messes with anything long term. Ego has its slice of cake out of the whole affair.


  2. Getting here late (work-related travel which I primitively still do without an accompanying laptop).

    One of the things that this whole clusterfuck highlights to me is that an unintended consequence of wanting institutional solutions (‘zero tolerance’ polcies, non-whatever laws) to human problems is to give institutions more power. it’s very clear that they will use that power to further their own aims and not the goals of the policies.

    At this date there is not a single outcome here that was wanted by any of the participants and the institutions given the power to police interpersonal relationships have gained yet more power.

    Shorter version: This goat rodeo reminds me why I’m not a joiner.


    1. I noticed that way back. “We need more efficiency and management!” always sounded to me like, “We need the noose a little tighter around our necks!” Of course, this is what happened.


    2. I should say in relation to my earlier comment that the only reason I noticed the phenomenon or why it seemed like an aberration or defiance of common sense was that my whole cultural background was one of political and economic defiance against the British regime, which did not want to grant its colony power under a white, minority rule. So we played games and got into some high jinx. The whole point and the whole spirit that was in the air was to show that the regime could keep going despite the powers-that-be trying to block it. So, improving rather than asking for help was considered to be very impressive by our countrymen. We all learned the psychology of making it work and defying external systems of ‘law and order’ to do so. Fun times — but it makes servility particularly hard to bear.


      1. I meant “improvising”. Not “improving” per se. Anyway, this way the culture of ‘sanctions busting’ and trying to get away with things without having to go through the normal chain of command. I believe the right wing regime in power also managed to receive some war supplies via Idi Amin.

        “Several Polish-made T-55 tanks destined for Idi Amin’s regime in Uganda were diverted to Rhodesia by the South Africans” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesian_Bush_War


    3. You’ve been missed!

      These are great observations. The participants in this story all acted in an impossibly childish manner. The debating crowds on all sides have shown more petulance than a crowd of 3-year-olds. And when little kids ask an adult to manage their conflicts, the result never makes anybody happy.


    1. ” she overheard two cisgendered heterosexual white males making socially offensive and agency-limiting comments in a totally inappropriate fashion”

      – There are so many insane people everywhere. How, in the name of all that is holy, does this person know about the sex lives of these anonymous men? What are “socially offensive and agency-limiting comments”? Can you make such offensive comments in a “totally appropriate fashion”?



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