Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion

Is there anything more hilarious than a Twitter war between Michele Malkin and Donald Trump?

I suggest this so-called Economist of the Day puts his money where his stupid mouth is and lets us all manage his life, his property, his house and his bank account in the spirit of democracy. It’s easy to preach that people should hand over their property to you. It’s a little bit harder to set an example by handing over your property to others.

This is the kind of creepily illogical conversations I keep having with my students.

Here is an extremely offensive post that says there is no difference between Steubenville rapists and professors who sleep with female students. It is horrifying to see the lengths to which people who need to see women as victims in every single situation can go. Apparently, the word “consent” means nothing to such pseudo-feminists.

A lot of hype is being created about this so-called “yet another cheating scandal at Harvard” but the whole thing seems extremely trivial. Judge for yourselves.

Smith College is behaving in a stupid and offensive way by not letting a transwoman become a student. I always said that these gender-based quasi-educational institutions were vomit-producing. When I was desperate for a job to the point where I applied for positions in Texas and Oklahoma, I still refused to apply to these gender-segregated places. The very concept creeps me out completely. What next? A college for the blondes? A college for the tall people?

It is incredible how immature and stupid some people are: “This was our first baby we had no way of knowing how things were supposed to be we were clueless thinking we were going to have this beautiful romantic home birth & instead we live in a nightmare…” A birth is not supposed to be “beautiful” or “romantic”, you stupid twat. It’s supposed to be safe and safe and safe. It’s about another person’s entrance into the world, not about your narcissistic freak show.

Professors and students are extremely weird at Florida Atlantic University. (This is about the Jesus-stomping incident).

36 thoughts on “Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion

  1. Rather distasteful the way the commenters in the Malkin/Trump post almost immediately started attacking her family’s immigration status. Apparently even kind-hearted liberals (sarcasm) in this country can’t oppose the political stance of a person who isn’t a white male without bringing out the racism or sexism.

    Re the illogical student thing: from my conversations with a much-younger coworker, it seems that doing stupid, dangerous things “just to see what would happen” is on the rise. I don’t know why — there were always a subset of people who were stupid like this but everyone knew them as “those idiots” and tried to avoid being in their company. But now it seems like almost everyone is urged to “just do it!” without minding the consequences, and of course in a country as conformist as ours people are going to obey. I’d like to blame moronic tv shows like Jackass but they’re just a symptom too. All I can say is a country that places a premium on “YOLO” and avoids thinking about the consequences on the future of current behavior is one that has a lot of problems.


    1. I have to say, the crowd that gathers on the site that posted the Malkin / Trump thing is very special and not in a good way. I don’t read their comments because they are the worst liberals have to offer. For instance, their obsession with Sarah Palin’s hair, figure is nothing short of disgusting.


  2. “A birth is not supposed to be “beautiful” or “romantic”, you stupid twat.”

    One wonders about the judgement of a person whose ideology of femininity exceeds her experience of her own biology. I mean female biology can be, and often is, and extremely violent thing. Giving birth is about the most extreme of the violence of which female biology is capable. It’s not an act of “femininity” in the conventional cultural sense. But then again, if you are female, you ought not to have to be told that.


  3. “no difference between Steubenville rapists and professors who sleep with female students. It is horrifying to see the lengths to which people who need to see women as victims in every single situation can go. Apparently, the word “consent” means nothing”

    Oh, there’s a lot of differences:

    1) Steubenville rapists are not adults and teacher rapists are adults.

    2) Steubenville victims were violentely assaulted and teachers rapists’ victims were raped “voluntarily”, but voluntary is not always consent is there’s no consent in these cases.


    1. Or maybe the students simply wanted to have sex with the professors. Let’s not cheapen the concept of rape by applying the term to the situation where adults consented to sexual relations for whatever reason.


      1. “Of students who sleep with professors.”

        Voluntary is not necessarily consent. And even if there was some very hypothetical “consent” here, a teacher should be fired if ey does that.

        “The term “voluntary” is weaker than the term “consensual.” What is consensual is necessarily voluntary, but what is voluntary is not necessarily consensual. For a person to perform a voluntary choice only requires acceptance on the part of the person, but for a person to perform a consensual choice REQUIRES A VIABLE POSSIBILITY OF REFUSAL. This means that the concept of consent includes consideration of structural issues (such as whether a viable alternative exists) which are not part of voluntariness.”


        1. Oh come on. If any prof really threatened a bad grade for not offering sex to him / her, any student could tape this on a a cell phone and publish it one every social media in sight.

          I agree that this is unprofessional and stupid. But it is not rape. It is a stupid choice made by two stupid and unprofessional people.


      2. “If any prof really threatened a bad grade for not offering sex to him / her, any student could tape this on a a cell phone and publish it one every social media in sight.”

        Yeah, they should defend herselves against that kind (non-violent) rape in this manner, I agree. So this should be the case also for violented spouses. This is not because you can defend yourself against rape than there’s no rape.

        “I agree that this is unprofessional and stupid. But it is not rape. It is a stupid choice made by two stupid and unprofessional people.”

        But the teacher is the most stupid of them, because he’s considered in an authority position. (not very comparable to high school teachers, though).


        1. “This is not because you can defend yourself against rape than there’s no rape.”

          – This is simply consensual sex, nothing more. Seriously, this is a non-issue. If you don’t like a prof for whatever reason, just take a different course.

          “But the teacher is the most stupid of them, because he’s considered in an authority position.’

          – Stupidity is a legal right.


  4. “Smith College is behaving in a stupid and offensive way by not letting a transwoman become a student. I always said that these gender-based quasi-educational institutions were vomit-producing. When I was desperate for a job to the point where I applied for positions in Texas and Oklahoma, I still refused to apply to these gender-segregated places. The very concept creeps me out completely. What next? A college for the blondes? A college for the tall people?”

    1) These are sex-segregated spaces, not gender…

    2) If sex-segregated spaces exist, non-women should not have the right to go there.

    3) I’m against sex-segregated spaces, but women want that sex-segregated spaces still exist to protect herselves from dudes.

    4) I agree that sex-segregated spaces are not a good thing and that they are vomit-producing, so what’s the advantages for non-women to go to those women-only spaces? Why men could not have the right to go also to those women-only spaces? Is women sports should be banned?


    1. “women want that sex-segregated spaces still exist to protect herselves from dudes.”

      – There are also women who want genital mutilation. Let’s humor them? Or let’s accept that women are adults who should be expected to conform to civilized societies?


      1. In Quebec, fundamentalist unhinged harpies wanted to ban fathers from birth-praparation classes, claiming they wanted a women-only space. For now, their barbarity has been defeated. What happens if Quebec continues its bizarre immigration policies, one day the freakazoids might get their harems and force normal women into them.


      2. “In Quebec, fundamentalist unhinged harpies wanted to ban fathers from birth-praparation classes, claiming they wanted a women-only space. For now, their barbarity has been defeated.”

        And that’s a good thing, especially when kids are implied.

        “What happens if Quebec continues its bizarre immigration policies, one day the freakazoids might get their harems and force normal women into them.”

        Canada, not Québec.


      3. Canada has almost all the power in immigration, but there’s more francophones muslims in Québec. The extremists ones are anecdotical and they are ther because we have to accept freakazoïds from other religions, like those who impose their eruv in Outremont.


        1. “Canada has almost all the power in immigration. ”

          – This is not true. Remember, I went through the immigration process into Canada. There are completely different processes for immigration into Canada in general and into Quebec.


      4. “If SOME women / SOME men want barbaric practices, they should be told to stuff it.”

        We don’t talk about violent segregation, we talk about sex-segregation wanted by women to fight against male violence, not to support male violence. And again, I’m against sex-segregated spaces, but the vast majority of women want them.


        1. “We don’t talk about violent segregation, we talk about sex-segregation wanted by women to fight against male violence, not to support male violence. And again, I’m against sex-segregated spaces, but the vast majority of women want them.”

          – Majority??? Have you held a vote?


        1. It is reasonable that criminals should lose most of their freedoms. However, their situation is exceptional and should not be compared to that of people who committed no crime.


  5. “A birth is not supposed to be “beautiful” or “romantic”, you stupid twat. It’s supposed to be safe and safe and safe. It’s about another person’s entrance into the world, not about your narcissistic freak show.”

    Of course, but not giving birth is safer than giving birth.


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