Answering Search Queries

Time has come to answer a fresh round of questions that bring people to this blog.

why do eastern european women do porn – For the same reasons as men and women from any other part of the world. Neither the gender nor the geographical area of one’s birth can possibly have anything to do with a decision to do porn.

dumped after disclosing aspbergers – I’m sorry to hear that. However, what you need to know is that s/he was just not that into you and was looking for an excuse to dump you. If this person really wanted you, you could have disclosed having a tail and horns, and s/he would have found it super cute.

is twilight a bildungsroman – Rather than a novel of female development, it’s more of a novel of a stunted female growth. The last 30 years have brought a scary number of novels where women who live in societies that place no restrictions on their personal development willfully stunt their own growth and infantilize themselves. In the much more repressive XIXth century nothing like this existed.

does kindle fire read cyrillic – In .doc and .pdf files, absolutely.

ways too avoid alcohol at parties – Drink water.

reasons to fuck older men – The only reason to fuck any men or women irrespective of their age is desiring them sexually. And if you don’t understand that, you need to visit a sexopathologist urgently.

contemporary spanish literature what to read? – Just a brief list of names: Juan Marse, Almudena Grandes, Manuel Vilas, Antonio Munoz Molina, Care Santos, Enrique Vila-Matas, Julia Navarro, Juan Jose Millas.

celebrating gender differences in classroom – Get a brain, buddy. What is there to “celebrate” about physiology? Are you getting ready to waste class time on celebrating the differences in the lengths of your students’ noses? Is that what you are getting paid for?

liberal arts majors are jealous of engineers – What are you, three? People aren’t sentenced by the court to have a certain major in college. They choose their own majors. And it’s very very easy to declare a new major whenever you get disappointed with yours. Got it, you weird person?

i didn’t become a teacher to deal with horrible parents – I know where you are coming from, buddy, and I commiserate. I have no useful advice to offer other than getting yourself a nice massage or having a relaxing bath.

how is bdsm transgressive? – It isn’t.

is rape a defense against child support? – What a completely meaningless query. Rape of whom and by whom? Unless the child in question raped you, how can rape have anything to do with that child’s support money?

grown children and co sleeping – Horrible abuse. I know of a few cases when that happened. Such people do not have any semblance of a personal life and are complete hysterics and weirdos. (I’m talking about both “co-sleeping” parents and children here).

should students become entrepreneurs – What a strange search query. If that’s what they want to, yes.

are men scarce? – There are about 3,5 billion men in the world, so I’d say no. In some countries, the population of men vastly exceeds that of women because of femicide and gender-selective abortion. In those parts of the world, women are getting scarce. There are some tiny countries that experience male scarcity but, in terms of the entire planet, they are very insignificant.

eastern europe women porn why – Gosh, buddy, you are obsessed. Because they want to, got it?

best dry skin facial cream – Here I can really be of help. Olay Regenerist is all that its ads promise and more. I also have started using Korres Wild Rose recently, and it moisturizes really well.

why are women so complicated – Because we are human. Or haven’t you heard?

awesome alcohol for new years party – I’ve got to say, my friend, if you are choosing alcohol for New Year’s in March, you might have a problem.

russian salad mayonnaise – Yes. All Russian salads have huge amounts of mayonnaise.

husband immature video games – Hey, lay off the husband, shall you? He has a very mature way of conducting his own psychological hygiene through practicing this good and harmless hobby. And it looks like you are in need of some psychological hygiene of your own because “my husband is immature” is not a psychologically healthy thing to say.

how to forget about what people think – By remembering how rare it is for people to think of others.

did fluke say she was having a lot of sex – Of course, not. But why, on God’s green Earth, does it possibly matter?

is eve ensler a lesbian? – You do realize that the moment such a question occurred to you, you have become an official weirdo, right?

feminists are autistic – Some are, some aren’t. There are just as many autistics among feminists as there are among anti-feminists. One starts to lose faith in humanity when seeing completely stupid queries like this one.

how are our brains hard wired to do some of the things they do – Brains are not “hard wired.” Anybody who uses this expression is a total idiot. Hint: Dr. Phil repeats it like a parrot.

can a rapist be forced to pay child support to victim that conceives from rape – Another genius. Child support is paid to children. Hence the name, “child support.” Being a victim of even the most horrible crime does not transform you into a child and make you eligible for child support. How come there are so many intellectually impotent people?

how much sex is sandra fluke having – I want to hope that a team of experienced psychiatrists can help the idiot who entered this query into the search box.

clarissa rules – Yes, I do!

11 thoughts on “Answering Search Queries

  1. “The only reason to fuck any men or women irrespective of their age is desiring them sexually”

    What if I didn’t desire a woman but she was willing to give me favors in exchange for sex?


  2. “The only reason to fuck any men or women irrespective of their age is desiring them sexually”

    What if I didn’t desire her, but she was willing to give me a favor in exchange for sex?


  3. Neither the gender nor the geographical area of one’s birth can possibly have anything to do with a decision to do porn.

    I am skeptical of this. There are probably cultures where no porn exists, such as hunter-gatherer groups without any contact with anyone who would be interested in porn.


      1. I think you’re misreading the search query. (Possibly deliberately, in which case the joke’s on me.) I think people are wondering not “Why do certain people create sexual images”, which you’ve addressed well, but “Why do certain people act or model in porn?” And the answer to that has to involve gender dynamics and economics, including the realities of which countries are rich and poor.

        Indeed the very question suggests a certain cluelessness. Do these guys think the women they’re looking at are “doing porn” out of free personal desire?


        1. ““Why do certain people act or model in porn?” And the answer to that has to involve gender dynamics and economics, including the realities of which countries are rich and poor”

          – I do not agree. Paris Hilton, who has all the money in the world, became a star after distributing a porn video of herself, didn’t she? Prostitution is just as likely to happen among the very poor as it is among the very rich. Actually, I’d say it’s more likely to be engaged in by the very rich. It might look a little cleaner and the pay is, of course, very different, but it’s still very much there among the affluent. Prostitution itself is a psychological phenomenon, not an economic one.

          ” Do these guys think the women they’re looking at are “doing porn” out of free personal desire?”

          – Of course, they are. If we are talking about Eastern European women, I can pretty much guarantee that they are. In my cohort at the university, the only woman who worked in porn was precisely a woman from a very well off family. The poor students preferred to starve. Back in high school, the girls who engaged in prostitution were never the ones who had nothing to eat at home. Prostitution was the hobby of the daughters of the VERY rich. They were bored, they wanted entertainment, it was considered prestigious, etc.


  4. Child support is paid to children.

    Actually in Germany the “child support” law used to include alimony payments for the mother, even if you were never married or had co-habitated. For all I know it still might.

    p.s. In most countries, when fathers complain about the unequal state of custody and support laws they really mean “I don’t want to pay child support”. Germany is the only case that I know of where the law is in fact skewed against fathers. Indeed so much so that the European Court of Human Rights has ruled against the law and its amended versions more than once.


    1. Of course, alimony for adults is a complete and utter barbarity.

      “Germany is the only case that I know of where the law is in fact skewed against fathers”

      – Everywhere else fathers get custody of children in 50% of cases?


      1. NOTE: I lost the adjective “horribly” before skewed somewhere in the editing process.

        Everywhere else fathers get custody of children in 50% of cases

        In most western countries the law is neutral, it’s the judges who are biased and apply gender stereotypes to favor the mother, usually under the guise of “the interests of the child”. German law actually coded that into the statute, and hence the success of the European court challenges.


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