I’m So Tired That. . .

The last day of the semester is here, and I’m ready for my regular “I’m so tired that. . .” post. Feel free to add your own symptoms of extreme exhaustion.

I’m so tired that. . .

. . . tonight I dreamt that N. and I were characters in the movie Lawrence of Arabia. This makes no sense because I never even saw that movie.

. . . I haven’t found the energy to swear on my own cursing thread on this blog.

. . . I wasn’t able to finish a single plate of borscht yesterday. It sat there in front of me, all beautiful, red, and inviting. Yet I was indifferent to it.

. . . I haven’t answered my blog-related email for 2 weeks.

. . . a student broke my new, huge orange cup and I didn’t feel anything.

. . . I can’t finish the new book by Barbara Vine because it has many 3-syllable words.

. . . I haven’t had energy to follow the news to the extent where my students are better informed about what is happening in Mexico than I am.

. . . There is a room full of good free Croatian food down the hallway but I can’t muster the strength to get myself there.

One hour and forty minutes to go before the end of the semester. And then I will just collapse.

5 thoughts on “I’m So Tired That. . .

  1. I’m so tired I couldn’t even think of a good example to post here. I’m also so tired that I had a massive meltdown when I got home from lab today. And I can’t even think about cooking anything for dinner, because that would require getting up and moving to the kitchen, as well as decision making abilities. (Today was the last day of classes for us too… next week is finals)

    also, is your blog snowing?


      1. Thanks. for the first time ever this year, I have more finals to grade than to take. By a lot. (I have a final project/presentation on Wednesday and that’s it. But about 40 hours of grading to do, for 2 finals and one independent study student evaluation.)


        1. “But about 40 hours of grading to do, for 2 finals and one independent study student evaluation.)”

          – That sounds really tough. I hope they are giving you enough time to do it. I have to submit my grades 48 hours after the final exam which sucks.


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