To a Particularly Pathetic Loser

A disgusting vicious animal who dared take my name in vain and quote my blog on a forum for idiot losers like himself wrote the following piece of idiocy:

From rather basic logic, children are not as much people as are most adults simply due to the fact that adults have more complex cognition, introspection, and preferences. Why would any rational person think it right to involuntarily sacrifice the well being of an innocent adult for the sake of a child, especially when alternative methods exist?

I understand that this freakazoid was abused in childhood. However, this is not an excuse for being a piece of shit in perpetuity.

Stupid insect, since you read my blog I need to inform you of the following: you are worse than a cockroach. You don’t have “more complex cognition.” You have no cognition at all because you are congenitally brain-dead. Stop blabbing stupidly about rational persons. Not only are you not rational, you are not even a person. The reason why you are so lonely and pathetic is because every normal human being finds you disgusting and can’t stand your stench.

Your writing is also ridiculously bad.

Remember, people, no matter what kind of damage your irresponsible parents inflicted on you in childhood, the moment you hit adulthood, you become responsible for solving your own issues and not inflicting your psychological garbage on everybody else. Also, I don’t care what kind of stuff you publish elsewhere but the moment you take my name in vain you will know my wrath.

18 thoughts on “To a Particularly Pathetic Loser

    1. Good for her! this kid will not allow herself to be abused when she grows up.

      This is exactly how I looked at her age, only I was even skinnier. 🙂 🙂 Thank you for the great link!!!


  1. What an asshole. He must have been dropped on the head as a baby or something and he posts on a nerdy forum where you can ‘create’ your own nation. I’m pondering how whoever wrote this BS randomly found your blog in the first plce. There are some weird people in the world for sure. I’ve even found pro Marxist-Leninist and white “nationalist” websites too, so it’s just a reminder that there are many lunatics lurking on the Internet.

    Excuse the language, but that’s the best word I could honestly say to describea this loser.


    1. I like the expression “lurking lunatics.” What a beautiful example of alliteration. 🙂

      What’s worse than stupidity coupled with severe unaddressed and unrecognized psychological issues?


  2. What makes you read such a strange forum? I’ve read one page, and the author of the post you’ve ridiculed is not the only idiot there. Or are you tracking every word someone says about you on the internet? Or every link?


    1. I don’t read it, of course! I just got a pingback from them because they linked to my blog. I barely read any websites any more because I never have time.

      Are you in Montreal? Would you like to meet for coffee?


      1. Yes, I am. Why not. I just did not want to impose anything on you, given that you come with your husband, and are going to meet (and be fed by 🙂 ) your family.


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