Your Professional Persona: A Test

Select the mailbox that appeals to you the most, note the number under the picture, and see the answer under the fold. Have fun!

# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7

#1 – You don’t always feel fully appreciated at work because you bring a lot and often contribute a lot more than many of your colleagues. You derive your greatest sense of satisfaction from realizing that you do your work well even if you don’t get the full recognition for everything that you do. It is possible that you are somewhat overqualified for the job you are doing right now.

#2 – You know how to make your co-workers feel valued and appreciated and avoid unnecessary dramas. You don’t always speak out as often as you could (which might be something to work on in the new year), but you are headed for a much greater degree of professional and economic success than you can imagine right now. 

#3 – You work hard and are one of the most dedicated workers around. You are one of those people who never let the group down and can always be counted on to make sure that the project is completed. The downside is that less scrupulous, hard-working colleagues might use your great sense of responsibility to place some of their own weight on your shoulders. 

#4 – You have a quirky, interesting personality that might make it hard for you to adapt to more rigid, conventional workplaces. You will be much better appreciated in environments where interesting, unusual people are appreciated. When you are allowed to do things your own way and are not micromanaged, you thrive and produce your best work.

#5 – You are very trustworthy, which is a quality that is crucial to any successful workplace. Mean-spirited, gossipy people will never find an ally in you. If such co-workers try to form cliques and weave intrigue in order to damage you, they will ultimately fail because they will never manage to draw you into their petty dramas.  

#6 – Your greatest strength is your capacity for insight, which is why this quiz will probably not tell you anything new. You are very well-aware that things are often not what they seem and you know how to analyze everything on a deeper level than most. It will be hard for you to work around superficial people incapable of coming up with original ideas.

#7 – You might not be aware of this but your colleagues often find your creativity and readiness to take risks very intimidating. If you ever feel hostility from co-workers, the reason is that they see in you a formidable opponent who is finding it very easy to think outside the box and come with elegant, original solutions.

38 thoughts on “Your Professional Persona: A Test

    1. That actually works for me …

      #7 looks to me to be imaginative but with utterly crap aesthetics, which I realise is in fact my greatest enemy.

      I’m very much tired of people with imagination who make their works look like absolute rubbish, and I do in fact consider “good” and “quirky” to be the mortal enemies of “great” and “brilliant” …

      I don’t find the creativity “intimidating”, despite the description — in this case, I simply don’t find it to be adequate enough.

      [your creative aspects will now be judged by the computer from “Snog Marry Avoid”, and your aesthetics will be given a make-under in the hopes you won’t try too hard in the future …] 🙂


  1. Gut reactions.
    #1 is the fugliest one;
    I wavered between #3 and #6, but went with #3. The postal service is careless.
    #2 Meh.
    #5 -Every goddamn mailbox in Florida.
    #4-If you’re going to be unoriginal, at least this one is pretty.
    #7 I like the chain, but wonder how well it stands up in the wind.


  2. I like number 5 the most (pelicans and dolphins in harmony! cliched but it speaks to me) I really like dolphins although intellectually I realize that they’re not the wonderful rainbow creatures that some think they are.

    I dislike 7 the most, it looks a little like a jack in the box and I find its creativity and readiness to take risks very intimidating. I feel hostility toward such a formidable opponent who finds it very easy to think outside the box and come with seemingly elegant, original solutions (meanwhile leaving me the job of being trustworthy and remaining above all the petty drama going on).


    1. cliff, wanted to thank you for responding to me about books earlier. (In a place you would see my comment.)

      I liked number 6 because of the house which looked like home: protected, bright and cheerful. Seems a very unoriginal choice to me, despite what the quizz says. When I was at high school, a smart boy I sometimes talked with told me I was a square. Guess my reasons for choosing 6 can function as a proof. 🙂

      7 looks like (a hand of) a robot or something. Definitely not human or warm.


        1. \ The boy was probably behaving like a dick because he liked you.

          No, he had a girlfriend. I believe it was a case of some jealousy. He was very competitive and a wonderful student, but I studied insane amounts of time so got slightly better average grade в табеле and похвальные грамоты. When I last heard of him several years ago, I heard he went to study to become a doctor. 🙂


  3. Don’ t any mailboxes tell you that you’re a bitter fucking loser who people don’t want any part of?

    Or that you’re a sycophant and a leach, and take the idea’s of others, and then present them as your own – and then lie if you’re caught?

    Or, that you’re such a downer, that you suck every last bit of joy out of anyone who comes in contact with you?

    The above answers are all way too upbeat.
    I guess I worked with too few of the ones you listed, and too many of the ones I did, huh?


      1. As usual I find myself switching my choices from moment to moment.
        I liked #3 best because of the color (I tend to like painting better than sculpture), #6 because of the unusual shape, and #4 because it best combined an nonstandard shape, function and beauty without being fragile (but it’s so standard for Florida).


  4. I like a combination of 3,4, and 5. I think the description of 4 probably best suits me– which is why the freedom of the academic life appeals to me. 🙂 The image of number 1 appeals the least to me and interestingly enough, the type of person described in the explanation to number 1 drives me nuts. So this is sort of accurate! 🙂 This quiz was fun. Did you write it???


  5. Can my answer be “Oh god, oh god, why can’t the numbers on the postboxes and the ones under the pictures match? Why is this 4-1 seahorse confusing my brain so much, I am something akin to a grown man, oh god!”

    Anyway, interesting extra detail – if you follow the logic of the scene of postbox 9 (picture 6), those there are deep undersea ducklings. Quack!


  6. You left out image #8:

    Which says: You’re a retired old geezer who moved into a upscale neighborhood after you retired so many years ago that you don’t really remember how you co-workers thought of you — and who the hell cares? You had enough financial assets that you could retire when you got damn good and ready, and they didn’t. How your ancient colleagues viewed you is totally irrelevant! 🙂


    1. How oddly aspirational.

      I had this arrangement when I was in my late teens and early twenties.

      Now I have people who take care of that. 🙂


  7. None of the above apply in my case — my “mailbox” looks like a group of people, and their “mailbox” looks like several couriers who show up to deliver parcels and letters by hand.

    I “check my mailbox” by pulling out my phone and calling someone.

    I very much like the aesthetics of my “mailbox” because once you peel away the layers of service, there’s absolutely nothing there. 🙂


    1. WOW!!! Yes, you absolutely win with this one. It is the most original thing ever. And hey, it’s super convenient. It can house packages as well as letters easily.


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