Shrewd Marketing

The organizing committee of the conference that will take place in the Dominican Republic is sending out promotional materials for their “cultural events.” Trips to museums and exhibitions are shrewdly marketed to American academics as activities that will allow us better to understand our identities. The word “identities” is always bold-typed.

Age and Wisdom

Age brings wisdom. I figured out at once that before Klara’s music lessons on Saturday mornings, I need to take her out for 2 hours of intense physical activity. Then, she’ll be tired enough to sit and listen to the teacher’s instructions instead of trying to topple the potted plants, tear posters off the walls, and catch fishes in the fish-tank. 

The downside is that after 2 hours of intense physical activity with a toddler I’m wiped out and all I’m good for is to sit at the music lesson with a dumb grin, a dribble of saliva, and glazed over eyes. The teacher stares because I can’t follow the simplest instructions. I suspect she tells people that this school hires total imbeciles as professors.

Encyclopedia of Cluelessness

Self-awareness is in such short supply that one can make a whole link encyclopedia out of articles illustrating cluelessness. I came across these links in under 10 minutes of multilingual browsing.

Bunches of clueless people are self-importantly making clueless pronouncements at Boise State

In Russian but priceless. Pseudo-psychological vocabulary is used to promote the value of a consumerist approach to love

I thought I’d seen too many pouty emails by clueless folks to be surprised by anything but this one is too much even for this popular genre. 

And the saddest of all is TNC’s new essay. 

Clueless people in Portugal accumulate useless stocks of gold without doing anything with it

The Low Price

Both the wall and more high-tech solutions are “95 percent spectacle,” security theater that lets politicians seem tough on immigration, helps some Americans feel safer, but doesn’t ultimately deter immigrants or make the border less dangerous.

Absolutely. 100% true. So if this empty spectacle is the price of security for 800,000 DACA kids, why not pay it? Why? WHY?