6 thoughts on “It Can’t Be True

  1. Not only that, but the star of Celebrity Apprentice ran for President against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton!


  2. Nixon’s run in the N.Y. Democratic primary will definitely be supported, at least unofficially, by NYC’s far-left nutcase Mayor Bill de Blasio, who hates Cuomo with a passion, and owes Nixon and the WFP (Working Families Party) big-time foe their help in de Blasio’s re-election.

    After Cuomo (almost certainly) wins the primary, Nixon can still run in the general election as the WFP candidate, and she’ll keep throwing Trump-like insults at Cuomo until election day next November.

    Politics in the U.S. gets more entertaining to watch every year!


  3. Reagan was an actor when he ran for governor of California. Jesse Ventura was a professional wrestler before he ran for governor of Minnesota. Al Franken used to be on SNL before he ran for senator. Fred Thompson acted on Law & Order before he was a senator.



    1. And look how well it all turned out. 🙂

      There was a huge post-soviet fad of actors and singers going into politics. A total disaster. I prefer professionals doing their jobs and not amateurs from the world of glamor, luxury and gossip.


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