The Perfect Breakfast

The perfect breakfast for me is the kind you get at a typical American diner. Two eggs overeasy, potatoes, sausage, two pieces sourdough toast, one for butter and one for grape jam. And an appointment with a laprascopic surgeon in July.

Obviously, now I can’t look at my perfect breakfast unless I call an ambulance before taking the first bite. I’ve been trying to get into cereals but there are so many that I just get confused. Which ones are not completely unhealthy? I love Fruit Loops but even I’m not so clueless that I don’t understand that they are not really food.

So, folks. What do you eat for breakfast? Even if I can’t mimic you, I can at least read about people enjoying their breakfasts.

35 thoughts on “The Perfect Breakfast

  1. I like a good bagel, with cream cheese, a few slices of cucumber or avocado and smoked salmon. Also avocado toast — toast with avocado paste, rock salt and pepper.

    Are you allowed to have bread?

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    1. Yes. But no avocado and no cream cheese. I feel like I’ll never get to try avocado toast that everybody has already tried. Something always comes between me and avocado toast.


      1. I think there’s zero fat cream cheese if you want to try a cheese/cucumber bagel. Does tvorog give you any trouble, by the way? Because otherwise, tvorog on toast with some sliced/chopped/grated vegetables on top (tomatoes/cucumbers/bell peppers/carrot/etc) is a pretty nice breakfast.

        I tend to eat lunch early these days to avoid the big rush at the restaurants/fast food places around my office, so my breakfast’s as light as possible – Greek yogurt with almonds and jam or honey. Works best with rose petal jam imo. Otherwise, I’m really fond of 2 pieces of toast + some spread + some protein + some garnish; butter + feta + tomatoes &cucumbers works really great, and so does peanut butter + cheddar + hot sauce, or pesto + tomatoes + grated parmesan, or tuna salad + egg + hot sauce…. just about everything + egg + cheddar + hot sauce actually, especially if I’m going hiking and need calories.


        1. I’ve been avoiding tvorog because it looks like it’s going to cause trouble. But zero fat cream cheese! I had no idea it existed. After I’m done here at the gym (challenge day 1!), I’m off to the store to look for it! Thanks!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. As for tvorog, it was my mom’s steamed-fish-and-vegetables before she had her surgery, but then again my mom is also very self-martyring so now that I think about it better I can’t tell you for sure it won’t hurt you. Low-fat tvorog definitely exists though.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. “What do you eat for breakfast?”

    Nothing, usually. I don’t get up that early! I eat a very light lunch and then pig out at supper.

    During the last 30 years or so of my working career, I only ate one meal a day. That way, I didn’t have to get up early enough to fix breakfast, and could spend my lunch hour doing paperwork while all of my patients/associates were eating and left me alone.

    (As a doctor, I definitely don’t recommend that meal regimen — I just did it. Worked fine for me, never been overweight, never had any dietary restrictions at all.)


    1. I don’t recommend it either. My dad was also a doctor and he also only ate dinner. He was never overweight, he still died aged only 73. I think the cigarettes and whisky which made up most of his diet had something to do with that…


      1. Well, my 73rd birthday is nineteen days away, so we’ll see if I match your father’s record! 🙂


  3. The best cereal of all times is Honey Nut Cheerios. Have it with coconut or almond milk. Other nice ones are Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Stay away from anything that has artificial coloring.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, coconut milk makes sweet things better! Muesli or granola with real dried dates and dried papaya and mango bits is awesome too.


  4. Tea with sugar and milk. This with eggs, five egg whites and one whole egg, scrambled with green onions or dill.

    A special breakfast would have real buckwheat pancakes with real maple syrup and sausages. This is too much for everyday, though.


  5. I normally eat fairly ordinary cereals (mini shredded wheats, oatmeal squares) and sometimes porridge (cooked in the Scottish way, so not as granular and lumpy as US oatmeal). Recently, my parents came to visit and I bought this muesli because it seemed like something they would like:
    Then I tried it myself and it is much tastier than it looks. I just have it with milk. One big advantage for me is that it doesn’t go soggy if I have to help the children with something, unlike the mini shredded wheats 🙂


  6. I also recently tried this recipe for overnight oats that a friend recommended:

    1 ripe banana
    2 Tbls chia seeds
    1/3 c rolled oats
    1/4 tsp cinnamon
    2/3 c milk + 1/3 c yogurt (or any combo of milk/alt milk/coconut milk/water to equal a cup)
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    Pinch of salt

    Mash the banana in container and mix in the chia, oats, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt. Stir in the liquid and combine well. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Eat either warm or cold in the morning, topped with some fruit and nuts.

    I liked it and it made a nice change, but I wouldn’t want it every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ususally a fried egg sandwich with the egg whisked up before frying. Sometimes bacon and egg sandwich. Usually with mustard of the standard American* yellow sort you get in squeezy plastic bottles and stick on hot dogs, should be a bit of a guilty pleasure really.

    Of course when my mother makes breakfast I get something like I had this morning- salmon and scrambled eggs, with chopped tomato and a couple of rounds/half-slices of (probably gluten-free) toast.

    *I stress the “American” since I’m British. If I wasn’t I’d probably use wholegrain mustard or basically mustard slightly vinegary and not blow-your-mouth-up hot, two of the things that English mustard lacks and makes me loathe the stuff.


      1. And very, very occasionally I will actually have muesli! Also, raisin/sultana bran can be quite nice (actually bought the former when in the States which I hunted down amongst the shelves and shelves of over-processed rubbishy stuff aimed no doubt at kids, half of which would probably be illegal in the UK*), or maple and pecan crisp.

        Not necessarily seriously but…


  8. So, folks. What do you eat for breakfast?

    Three cups of coffee with heavy whipping cream, preferably from pasture fed cows. Never any sugar or other sweetener. Most days, a banana, an apple, or an avocado also. never any potatoes nor grain products. Once a month or so, an omelette or scrambled eggs.


  9. My favorite breakfast is your favorite breakfast but I don’t often allow myself its decadent pleasure. Sometimes I have a mushroom and cheese omelet, no potatoes, no toast. When I am being really good, it’s yogurt with some almonds mixed in.


  10. For gall bladder problems, a person has to start drinking fruit smoothies for breakfast. One can get protein powder to mix in along with digestive enzymes.

    By the way, Turmeric is a spice from heaven. Therefore Indian buffet was your friend.

    Have you been tested for h pylori?


  11. I’ve never been a big breakfast person, as it a kid it was mostly cereal (favorites included rice or cocoa krispies, lucky charms and life) or oatmeal. Then it was mostly a bit of fruit or leftovers. Now I wait till mid morning if possible, I neeeed coffee when I get up but food then? That’s big negatory…

    I like a lot of breakfast foods but not necessarily for breakfast. I love grits but have always been more likely to have it for supper than for breakfast.

    Some special favorites though include

    leftover pizza (spent the night in the box at room temp, must have anchovies)

    fried egg sandwiches (though I never turn eggs over, I like them crispy on the bottom with a runny yolk, but again I’m liable to have it in the evening or night

    crispy bacon (again not just or even mainly in the morning)

    pseudo omlette (I mix flour, milk and eggs and then put whatever I have on hand in the middle

    The Polish version of Olivier salad (or leftover tuna salad).

    when I travelling (only) I like a whitebread sandwich with coldcuts, mayo and sliced cheese, which I hated as a kid. I never do that at home but if I’m in a hotel that has the ingredients at hand I go for it every time, but only for breakfast…


  12. Two poached eggs on a bed of baby spinach.
    Plain Greek yogurt with currants, slivered almonds, and toasted flax seeds.
    Cornmeal porridge with chopped spinach, diced tomatoes, grated cheddar cheese, and hot sauce.
    Smoothies made out of frozen banana, frozen berries, chunk of Togo, spoonful of yogurt, dollop of orange juice, some wheat germ.

    Once a week, I have the diner breakfast you describe, minus the toast, while my kid works out at the boxing gym around the corner.


  13. If I have to take something to work, then baked piroshki (Russian or Arab version) with cheese, cherries, etc.

    Or, if I don’t work that day, I can eat rice with meat and vegetables.


  14. Freshly cooked warm oatmeal porridge with just a bit of salt (no sugar), mashed banana and berries or jam (I particularly like seedless raspberry jam)

    Muesli/granola with fruit (banana, blueberries, strawberries, nectarines, mandarines, plums) and plain yoghurt, sometimes with dried fruit (raisins, cranberries) if I don’t have any fresh fruit

    Sandwich with ham, cheese or cream cheese with a piece of fruit on the side

    And always coffee with milk.


  15. Porridge cooked with just water (n0 milk) and chopped fruit in it is good and digestible, I especially like it with apple or pear cooked in it, served with semi skimmed milk and maple syrup. My Scottish granny would be horrified! She’d cook it with salt and we soft southern kids were allowed to make it edible with full milk and white sugar.


  16. Today I had a glass of kefir, coffee with milk, and green salad with tomatoes, shrimp, and a hard-boiled egg – and remoulade dressing – and a glass of orange juice.

    (After that, it got worse. Lunch was a small dish of vanilla frozen yogurt and a few pretzels. Dinner was a few squares of salted dark chocolate with almonds, an apple, and a glass of cabernet. I don’t normally sugar out like that but – it was what was around. I seem to feel fine, which is odd on that diet.)


  17. Okay, since I don’t eat breakfast or much of a lunch, here’s what I had for supper tonight:

    Two pounds of genuine Polish kielbasa sausage chopped into small pieces, mixed with 28 oz. of O’Brien hash-brown potatoes, a half-pound of shredded cheddar cheese, a can of mushroom soup, and a can of very hard Arizona tap water, mixed thoroughly in my slower cooker and cooked for 8 long hours. (Occasionally, I get up early enough to cook for 8 hours and still eat diner at a reasonable hour.)

    I finished the meal with half a can of baked beans covered with a slice of cheese, a couple slices of a key lime pie, and about a third of a quart container of vanilla ice cream.

    That’s a lot of work for a bachelor who doesn’t like to cook, but it’s cheaper than a wife, and I don’t expect to live long enough for sufficient A.I. robots to be developed. So I just have to take care of myself.


  18. I usually eat cereal. Chex, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Honey Bunches of Oats, Life, etc. Whenever I eat something sweet for breakfast I need to follow it up with cereal — otherwise I start feeling sick. I love french toast, but I can only eat it for breakfast occasionally, and usually there’s no time. If I need to get up especially early I might eat something like cold pizza or ramen, just because.

    When we’re on vacation in Canada, my family will do things like grits, eggs, omelets, Canadian bacon, and things like that. Usually there’s just not time.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Kashi’s pretty healthy as a general rule. That particular one looks like a healthier variant of shredded wheat. Thanks for pointing that out to me — it looks like they’ve got quite a few cereals that are milk and soy free. I’ll pass that info on to my mom — she’s allergic to a lot of things, so it can be hard to find pre-made food that tastes good.

        There are some really delicious healthy things out there. And lately there are more and more delicious healthy things for people with special dietary needs.


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