Human Physiology

One subject that needs to be taught in schools extensively is human physiology. People are extraordinarily ignorant about their own bodies.

A woman in her thirties is chirping happily that “there are only two days a month when you can get pregnant.”

An organ donation charity is attacked for requesting donations from black donors because “there’s no such thing as black blood.”

A mom announces she’s eager to vaccinate her 5yo for COVID even though she understands that his risk is next to non-existent. “But as a mother, I’m supposed to avoid any infection!” she proudly chirps.

Schools desinfect every surface several times a day, which is ludicrous on every level.

This reminds me of when scientists observed a high disparity of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune disorders among children in Finland and the region of Karelia in Russia. Russian kids has dramatically lower rates of these diseases. Usually when this happens the answer is a different genetic makeup. But Karelians and the Finns are the same people with the same ethnicity. So it couldn’t have been that.

Scientists observed children on both sides of the border and found that one major difference was the hygiene. Finns were a lot likelier to keep children in sanitized conditions while Russian kids happily played in the dirt, like children are supposed to do. As a result, Russian kids were healthier with robust immune systems while their Finnish peers’ bodies struggled to handle everyday pathogens.

Today, hospitals are filling with kids whose immune systems never developed properly because of the ridiculous current obsession with hand washing, sanitizers, and chemical cleaning solutions.

7 thoughts on “Human Physiology

  1. Have you heard this:

    “Cuba has started to inoculate all children aged above 2, using home-grown Covid-19 vaccines Abdala and Soberana, which don’t have the WHO approval yet”

    Trust a communist government to be the first innovator… I would not trust those third world vaccines anywhere near me and I am an adult.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The over-sanitizing drives me nuts. Hygiene hypothesis aside, do people really think that there are no negative consequences to massive exposure to cleaning chemicals?

    And as someone who’s read Weschler and used symto-thermal charting for well over a decade… the level of ignorance out there about female reproductive function is stunning. And the ignorance is so universal that when I go into a doctor’s office and say “I’m pregnant, but I ovulated on day 19, so you should calculate my due date from day 5, not the beginning of my cycle” all I get is blank stares– and this is terrifying, because being just five days off on that calculation can be the difference between going into labor in your own good time, and being pressured into an induction because you’re “late”.

    On the plus side, it’s a decent filtering mechanism for maternity docs I want to work with vs. doctors I want to stay far, far away from.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here. My cycles were back then something in the range of 34-37 days and I could not get anyone to recalculate the due dates. Of course, my boys were born ‘late’, which really meant ‘on time’.

      It was the same with the early screenings. These tend to show more false positives when the fetus is not mature enough and the doctors would pester me to get amnio that had the risks of miscarriage in the same range as having a baby with genetic disease. If anyone trusts 100% the medical establishment to give them the correct information is a complete fool.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who understands that! To make it even more confusing, my cycles were mostly 28 days… but my luteal phase was only 9 days. It was so frustrating that actual medical professionals who specialize in reproductive stuff were operating on a rhythm-method level of (mis)information.


  3. This must be why the doctor asked me if I had a medical background when I refused to let the nurses inject me with antibiotics when they didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was explaining to them that I have sensitivity to antibiotics and I’d like to know what the diagnosis is before we obliterate my healthy gut flora. They were threatening to kick me out unless I consented to drugs for a mysterious fever. I told them I’d rather wait for the bloodwork to come back. The nurses thought I was “difficult” but I was trying to protect my body. I find the medical establishment to have a Ready/Fire/Aim approach – consequences be damned.

    So yes, physiology is key. And they should start by educating the professionals. If I’m able to learn about how my body operates by reading books, what the heck are they learning at college?


  4. What’s really interesting is that the people castigating that charity seem to have forgotten that the person who successfully proved that there is no racial difference in blood was himself black.


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