16 thoughts on “How Well Do You Know Clarissa: Teenage Crush

  1. My guess is Elizabeth Taylor.

    I loved Vivian Leigh as a kid. I even read her biography. At the time, I read zero nonfiction, so it was major that read her biography.


  2. If my deductions are correct, since you were in the USSR at 13, you’d probably be more likely to pick someone from the Eastern Bloc. That leaves Gabor and Dietrich. Since Gabor was a rich socialite, I’d be inclined to guess Dietrich. OTOH, I could so much see you giving the Vivien Leigh look.


  3. Well as I was scrolling down, my initial guess was Marlene Dietrich. But once you gave the hint, my opinion changed. In every picture that you have posted, you are making the “Elizabeth Taylor” face. So I’m making Elizabeth Taylor my number 1 choice (besides Elizabeth Taylor had such a beautiful womanly body) with Marlene Dietrich being my number 2 choice. I will be officially surprised if it’s Marilyn Monroe. 😉


  4. I’m going to join everyone in guessing Elizabeth Taylor based on your facial expressions. Evelina and I think quite alike here.


  5. I liked Vivien Leigh and Veronica Lake the most, especially Lake.

    But Vivien Leigh’s expression reminds more of yours to me.


  6. My thoughts:

    Vivien Leigh : A thoroughbred, high maintenance and nervous and prone to make those around her suffer, but also could produce magic.

    Marlene Dietrich : Has there ever been a more businesslike sex symbol? She was hard and unsensual in the Blue Angel and later seemed more amused at an inside joke than really projecting sexual appeal. Still an intriguing personality.

    Marilyn Monroe : Most photogenic ever? Not the greatest actress or singer or dancer her biggest talent was relating to the camera as a human presence.

    Zsa Zsa Gabor : A ringer? Fun, but not titan.I prefer Eva for her hilariously demented performances on Green Acres.

    Veronica Lake : Another ringer? More famous for a look than for anything else.

    Elizabeth Taylor : Fleshiest movie star ever. Interesting that her more mannered, artificial performances have aged so well. I’m afraid to see WAOVW? again because I fear it didn’t age so well.

    The obvious guess is ET since she seems to be doing a Clarissa facial expression in the picture. Runner up would be on of the VL’s.


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