Stop Playing the Savior

I want to reiterate that a persistent desire to play the savior to others, especially to those who have not explicitly asked you for help and advocacy, is a sign of cowardice and incapacity to face your psychological issues. Saviors use other people to feel self-righteous and to bully those who are not as willing to adopt the Savior role. They thrive on misery they claim they want to assuage.

What Wouldn’t Thin People Stoop To!

Today is the day when The Stupid rules. Do you love this kind of lists as much as I do?

However, the solution proposed to this situation by a lot of high-profile feminists with, it must be pointed out, a lot of relative privilege (including in many cases, but not limited to: cis privilege, white privilege, class privilege, urban privilege, thin privilege, religious privilege, and straight privilege). . .

Can you try to guess which specific situation elicited this list of “privileges” including the mystifying thin privilege and urban privilege? I bet you will never be able to figure this out. The “solution proposed to this situation by a lot of high-profile feminists with, it must be pointed out, a lot of relative privilege” has to do with whether Twitter should introduce a “report abuse” button.

I didn’t stick around that blog to figure out how being thin and urban makes you more (or less, who knows?) likely to want the a “report abuse” button on Twitter. You will have to discover that for yourself if you are interested.

All I can say is, really, what depravity wouldn’t those thin, urban, religiously privileged people stoop to! They need to keep their emaciated anti-countryside fingers off our Twitter accounts.