Where Is Progress?

Where have those beautiful times gone when I had unlimited Internet access on my Blackberry and didn’t have to look for WiFi hot spots all the time? Shouldn’t progress entail things getting better instead of worse? How come we have agreed to go back to the prehistoric times when our Internet usage was controlled by the number of bytes we were accessing?

How are things on other continents in this respect? Do you still get unlimited data plans on your phones?

Failed by Feminism

It is as stupid to say “feminism has failed a lot of women”* as it is to say that “reading has failed a lot of men” or “pens have failed a lot of people.” Feminism is not a person or even a group of people who are supposed to provide anything to anybody. It is a tool people can use to help themselves and / or others.

* I can’t provide a link now because I’m at a doctor’s office as usual but I promise it exists.

Casual Anti-Semitism in Action

What can possibly possess a person to tell her boss, “I only just discovered that client X has a problem with Jews and now I don’t know how to tell him that the company we wanted to put him in touch with is owned by Jews. What if he refuses to have anything to do with them when he finds out?”

Moreover, what can possess one to say that to a boss who looks very Jewish, is Jewish, and always mentions her Jewishness very openly?

If you want to know what the boss responded, it was this: “Now substitute the word “Jew” with the words “woman” or “African American” and you will have your answer.”

I’m less nice, so I would have said, “If you don’t know the answer, you need to look for employment elsewhere.”

How Do Intellectuals Get Educated

It is completely unimportant where and how intellectuals get educated. I’ve known many people who could paper a small room with their diplomas but who were complete blockheads. I have also known many people who never finished high school, yet who were brilliant intellectuals.

There will really be no formal criteria to organize our thinking about this issue.

Where Intellectuals Work

Belonging to the intellectual class is in no way related to one’s place of employment. It is completely unimportant whether one works at a university or at a used car dealership. I’ve known crowds of anti-intellectual stupid professors and incredibly intellectual, brilliant people in sales. These are folks who think, generate opinions of their own, and don’t just speak, think, and perceive reality in stupid cliches.

Here is, for instance, a brilliant article on why parroting the idiotic cliche ‘Support the troops” is a very stupid thing to do. Who could have thought Salon could publish anything valuable? This way we will end up seeing Huffington Post, the NYTimes and Jezebel publish articles that are not entirely stupid.

It is very easy to categorize people according to meaningless formal categories such as income or place of employment but such classifications are of absolutely no value.

Pregnant Chic


No, I still don’t drive. And this isn’t my car. The car, the hair and the outfit are measures my sister took to make me feel better in the last two weeks of the process.

The measures worked beyond anybody’s wildest dreams. My legs that looked terrifying after a severe case of PUPPPS magically got cured overnight. I went to bed with legs that were swollen, cracked, red, and itchy, but woke up with legs that looked completely normal, just like they looked my entire life. I was so happy to see them again that I wanted to kiss them.

This is the great power of the subconscious.