Who’s Watching the Veep Debate?

So are we watching the Veep debate tomorrow?

If your spirits are flagging, here’s a heart-warming story. I left the classroom for a minute today, and when I got back, I saw that a student was using the break to get several students to fill out voter registration cards. They are all 18-19, and it’s their first time to vote. And this is how our side got 5 new voters today.  

There Is No Nation Without Citizens 

60% of voters stayed home in Colombia, burying the hope of a peace deal between the government and FARC.

55% of voters stayed at home in Hungary, rendering invalid the referendum on the refugees. 

Remember how I said that these things are never one-sided? People turn away from the nation-state in droves. And it isn’t like it’s even that hard to get one’s ass to a voting booth. But people don’t want to make that minuscule effort to preserve the nation-state. 

It’s not about incomprehensible, impersonal forces doing things nobody wants to be done to them. The destruction of the nation-state is a choice people make every day.