Tuesday Link Encyclopedia 

Sexual harassment entails failing to see a woman, any woman as extremely vulnerable and fragile human being who, at any given time, is on the brink of a mental breakdown. At least, that’s the definition that is becoming dominant in academia. 

And this is what a sexually harassing syllabus looks like these days

This post on the “Confederate Party” is over 2 years old but it’s really great

MSers, beware! Courts have declared it legal for law enforcement to swipe your gift cards

Testosterone and the risk of dementia: a very important post. 

It’s curious that only people who live in extraordinarily opulent societies feel this sorry for themselves. Never ceases to amaze me. 

Trump supporters are not the wretched of the earth. Loved this piece (Except for a dumb comparison of unemployment in Spain and during the Great Depression in the US.)

The Toronto burqa murder

Remember the Swanson TV dinner? I used to think those were so chic.

The Coffee Used to Be Hot

Everybody was telling me that Klara only says “Dada” because the “m” sound is harder to pronounce. And then last night (or is it tonight? I keep getting confused. The night that was 8 hours ago) she got hungry and I heard a very clear and distinct “Mamma! Mamma!” coming from her room. Because she knows that Mamma is the one to feed her at night.

A Void

What I find hilarious are the endless mullings of what Melania Trump can possibly feel. It’s as if people thought she is an actual wife and not an object of consumption. She’s not a wife in the sense I am a wife or you are a wife. She’s more like what my phone is to me: it’s convenient but it doesn’t have opinions of its own and I’ll trade it for a new model whenever I feel like it. 

I’m sure she experiences a vague sense of relief at the idea that Trump is groping somebody else because that means she’ll get groped less. But that’s about it. 

There is a whole industry of these Eastern European prostitutes. There are manuals, websites, magazines, blogs, etc that teach them how to empty themselves of all content and become perfect objects of consumption. They have meditation routines where they learn to care about nothing but shopping and looking a certain way. 

This is a parody of womanhood, of the idea of a woman as a gaping, bottomless hole that devours objects, that receives, receives, receives in complete silence and immobility. 

Eastern European women were forced to break with the traditional womanhood in a radical and painful way, and now many are compensating for the trauma.